Chapter 2: Knuckle Sandwhich

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Elizabeth and Ivory had a long day in class doing arithmetic and calculus and it was finally lunch, the only downside is all the smart kids sit in the library to eat because CeCe's crew spread all over the cafeteria! Today the girls felt compelled to sit in the cafeteria for the first time! Elizabeth and Ivory took there gluten-free non-fat lunches and sat at one of the six tables. The weird thing is they didn't see CeCe! The girls began to eat their lunches when they felt someone breathing down their neck. "Look the geeks want to join us for lunch".
"We're sorry, lets go Elizabeth".
"Why should we we got here first"!
"Is that sass I here"? Cackled CeCe
"Elizabeth lets just go".
"Yeah listen to your friend nerd or CeCe will make you leave"! Snickered a member of CeCe's entourage.
" Mind if I sit here"? Asked Jake.
"Jakey lets go to a different table".
"What is wrong with this table"? He replied as he plopped his butt next to Elizabeth.
As soon as he did that Elizabeth started to blush and smile. Ivory kept signaling to Elizabeth to stop but she couldn't stop! Then CeCe saw her big smile and squeezed right in between them! That's when Elizabeth and CeCe got up at the same time as her entourage started to chant "Fight, Fight Fight!"
More people began to join in. Then Elizabeth felt a tug on her arm, then she was pulled out of the circle. "Ivory what are you doing?"
"Saving you from detention, now let's go there's a teacher!"
"Ok." Elizabeth replied as they ran to grab their lunches and bolt to the library. One thing about the library is that you have to be quiet, so no fights. When the girls got in the library they saw Evan and Alexis waving them over to the table. "What took so long?" Said Alexis
Elizabeth jetted a look of don't you say it to Ivory.
"Ummm... Elizabeth?"
" Another kid barfed in the cafeteria from the hot lunch food and we got stuck."
"Oh that doesn't sound good." Replied Evan with a disgusted look.
"I know" Elizabeth said shaking her head.
"Hey Ivory I saved you a seat" Evan said while blushing. As Ivory was about to sit down Elizabeth nudged her arm and winked.
"So what did you guys get on your tests?" Questioned Alexis.
"Chemistry I got an A+, Math A+, Computer tech A+ and History I got an A." Said Evan. When he said his last grade our whole group gasped. "An A?" Wondered Alexis.
"Unfortunately, yes." Replied Evan sadly.
"What about you Elizabeth?" Said Evan.
" Chemistry I got an A+, Math A+, Computer tech A+ and History I got an A+." Elizabeth replied with confidence.
"What about you Ivory?" Questioned Alexis.
" Same as Elizabeth."
"Me too!"
"Cool..." said Ivory trailing off.
*Ring* Ring*Ring* the bell rang beckoning kids back to class.

A/N: If you didn't notice Evan has a crush on Ivory and Alexis has a crush on Evan. I'm not going to ruin anything else for you just wanted to put that out there. Hope you're enjoying the book so far! 😄

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