Coming Back!

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Silas POV
We are coming back from the game. Aggele mou, Theo and I are upfront in the bus coming home from the games. The guys are riding home meeting us at the school. Man I'm exhausted. It's 10:30 p.m. and I'm ready for bed. Theo looks the same way as well while aggele is wide awake. I say" Aggele why don't you talk only for baseball?" She says " It's easier that." I say " So tell me about yourself." I feel the bus slow down and know our bus is broken down. She says" Stay here while I handle this." I shake my head and go with her. We find out the bus is in fact broken down. She's on the phone while I text the guys who are probably already home and will have to come back. It's a three hour drive to and from here. We get back on and I say" Since we have a while let's get to know each other." She nods her head and says " What do you want to know?" I say " Everything." She says " I'm the youngest in my family. My dad is I actually don't know since he doesn't tell us. My mom is sick and my sister is a senior and will be graduating this year. I been here my whole life. Everyone hates me even my family." I nod my head I say " Well I'm new with my brothers and I. I'm originally from Greece.
******** 3 hours Later****************************************
Theo's Pov
Wow we all are having a good time but she is really anxious right now and I know there's something not right. I see Mr. B's, Norths, Vics cars pull up as soon as she gets this text and I know it's bad because she becomes guarded again and looks ready to kill Silas and his friends as soon as she sees them. They talk quietly and decide to leave. She says " Theo and Silas go with them. I got this and don't bother talking to me again asides from you Theo. Just go I can't deal with you guys right now." Silas says " What's the matter aggele mou?" He looks really concerned and confused but she laughs and says" Don't call me that now go! Your brothers are waiting for you." I get our stuff and say " Let's talk tomorrow before school." She shakes her head and says " You really think I'm stupid don't you. I know your game so stop it's not going to work." I sigh and get off I pull Silas with me and say" Let her cool off. She got some text which made her like this."
Sangs Pov
They are such idiots for actually thought I wouldn't find out. I can't believe I fell for that. Have they been stalking me. Why does everyone hate me so much. For once would someone just be nice me. I thought they were different but they are just like everyone else. What did I do to them! I'm going to be punished for being late by both parents and then have to do my homework. I finally get home and am punished by my father raping and beating me while mother and sister whip, and carve words into my back . I can't take it anymore. I'm going to end it. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to leave it for Theo. He deserves it with everything he's been through. I'll leave it at his locker and do it after that. I go get dressed for school and head to my father's office for his gun. Man I can't believe I'm finally doing this. I'm finally going to be free.
*******2 hours later*******************************************
Theo's Pov
It's been five hours since we last saw her and I can't get rid of the feeling it might be the last time. We get to school and I head to my locker. I open it to see an envelop fall out with her hand writing on it. I get this sick feeling in my stomach. I open it and it says
Dear Theo,
I'm sorry to leave you but I can't take it anymore from the constant bullying to being hated so much. I thought you guys were different. I hope you were but I was wrong. I know you had your fair share of demons but my will never go away like yours. You have people who you can trust and love with it return but not me. You deserve better then this. I'll help you guys so you can leave. Hendricks is stealing money from the foundation for here and using it for other things. Mr. McCoy he always rapes and beat me so you can use that. Jade, Greg, Rocky are all drug dealers trust me they all have at least drugged me at least five times each. I thought I could trust you but I was wrong. Why did you have make pictures of me? Was this some type of sick joke because I'm done with it. I deal with enough my parents abuse me non-stop with the help of Marie my sister. So I'm just going to end it I hope you have a better life without me. I'm sorry.
Love, Sang
P.s. Your amazing set of guys you just need to change you style and you'll be perfect. Theo continue with the help for not just yourself but your family.

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