2eme2ter Twwo

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Hello my lovely loves here is my newest story as promised it's erisol. Fasten your seat belts you're in for a dramatic ride.

The second semester had just started and it was the kids first day in it. Sollux was walking to his locker with his step sister and best friend aradia.
"So....boy or girl this time?"
"girl. I give up on men they only want sex and I'm really just not ok with that. I need more you know?"
"Yeah I know." Sol smiles good to know she was looking in better places. "Is she in the group?"
"Yes, this time I'm playing everything safe."
"Are you insane?!" Sol chuckles.
"I just wanted to see your reaction."
"Im well aware AA. Is it....FF?" The brunet blushes and looks away.
"Im so telling np"
"Oh god no. "
"Its happening " aradia pushed sollux alittle.
"Cause I wanna pick on you" he chuckles. Once at their lockers he opens his and is surprised to see a note fall out. He picks it up.
"Aa did you give me a note?"
"No. Why would i? We live together."
"Well I have one"
"Maybe it's frim karkat"
"No he uses his sign"
"Read it" sol does and then reads it out loud for his step sister.
"Dear sollux,
you don't know me but I really like you. You make this world better just by being in it. I would say it to your face but I'm to nervous to.
-your secret admirer"
"Awww! Sollux thats so cute." Sollux blushes alittle.
"Who the fuck sent this?"
"They don't want you to know duh" aradia smiles "im telling nepeta"
"AA no" she ran off to find nepeta sollux on her tail yelling protests.

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