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Chelsea's POV

It was my seventeenth birthday, so now Brandon and I are officially the same age, again. I didn't have a party. My sweet sixteen was my last party for a long time, so instead I walked over to the Rowland's house with Mary and Jeremy and we had a mini party together. Hunter and Kenzie are nineteen, and Hunter is about to move into their own apartment a couple minutes away with her. Ashton is now 14 years old! Time went by really fast. 

After the party, Mary and Jeremy said goodbye, but I decided to stay the night. I usually sleep at their house at least once a week, so Mary and Jeremy weren't surprised. 

Brandon led me to his room while everyone else was cleaning up. We talked before Brandon looked in my eyes and leaned in. It started as a small kiss, but then it became a make out session. After a while, Brandon pushed me against the wall and one thing led to another...

*****Skip the nasty******

Afterwards, I walked downstairs, ignoring Mary and Jeremy. They were about to go to bed anyways, so I just waved goodnight and walked downstairs to my bedroom. 

That night, I laid and thought about Brandon. I knew all along that he was the one for me and I knew officially know. 

----About a month later-----

Looking at the pregnancy test, I fell to the floor crying. This couldn't be happening to me. For the rest of the day, I went over to Brandon's house for the rest of the day, not telling him. He could tell something was up, but he must have brushed it off or something. Then, out of no where, I got sick. I rushed to their bathroom and started to throw up. Brandon walked in and pulled my hair out of my face. 

Once I was done, he asked me if everything was okay. I shook my head and just grabbed his hand, then found Hunter. Taking both of their hands, I led them into Brandon's room and closed the door behind us. They sat on the end of the bed, and I pulled up a chair and sat in front of them, so I was face to face with them. I took a deep breath in, 

"Brandon. Remember the night of my birthday? When we kind of, uh..."

"Yes, I know what you're talking about."

Hunter caught on and his eyes went wide. "You two did WHAT?"

"Just never mind, let her talk." Brandon said back to him, quick to change the topic. 

Taking another deep breath, "Do not tell ANYONE this, yet. Got it?" They both nodded. "The reason I asked about the night of my birthday is because, well, I don't know how else to say this, so I'm just going to say it..." Deep breath, exhale. "Brandon, I'm pregnant. With your child."

His eyes went wide and he jumped up, "Are you sure it's my child?"

"First of all, yes because you're the only person I've ever done anything with. And second, I can't believe you're not supportive of this! Because it's too late to back out of it, Brandon. It's your child and you can't do anything about it." 

"Well, the thing is, I'm not ready to be a dad. So, Chelsea, this really won't work out."

"Wait? You're breaking up with me... because I'm pregnant... with your child?" 

He just stared at the floor, not saying anything. "FINE THEN, BRANDON! I'LL GO FIND ANOTHER BOYFRIEND TO MARRY AND HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO THE CHILD THAT THEIR DAD LEFT THEM WHEN HE FOUND OUT HE WAS GOING TO BE A DAD!" I stood up, making the chair flip over, and then slammed Brandon's door behind me. 

Hunter rushed out after me and grabbed my arm. "Congrats, Chelsea! I'm so sorry about Brandon. He's just over-reacting. Don't let this outburst ruin your guys' relationship?"

I looked up at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to comfort me while I cried. We rocked back and forth as I bawled. Brandon came out of his room and saw us hugging. I pulled away from Hunter, wiped my tears, thanked him, and then walked home to tell Mary and Jeremy my news. 

I walked into the house to find them at the dining table drinking coffee. They looked concerned because they could tell I have been crying previously. I sat down next to them and explained them everything.

"Honey, first off congrats. We aren't mad at you at all because we know no matter how angry we would get, it wouldn't change the fact that you're pregnant. Second, we are so sorry to hear Brandon's trying to leave you over this. Hopefully your older brother, Hunter, will talk to him." I nodded, wiped my eyes, then walked to my room. 

A little while later, my phone started to ring. I picked it up to see Hunter's caller ID at the top. Accepting it, I held it up to my ear. He told me to come over to his house, so I got myself up and walked over to their house. Once entering the house, I immediately found Hunter waiting for me. He grabbed me and pulled me into his room. Closing the door, I walked over to his bed and sat there while we walked over and sat beside me.

"What's up?"

"Okay, I talked to Brandon." Hunter told me.

"Oh, gosh."

"He was being really stubborn, so it took him so long before he actually listened to what I was saying."

"If he's going to act like this over something he can't change, maybe it's a good thing he doesn't want to be the father."

"No, no, don't say that."

Then, as I was opening my mouth to say something, Brandon burst open the door. He had tears in his eyes.

"If you would actually listen to Hunter, he was going to tell you I changed my mind and that'd be cool to be a father, but I guess never mind if that's how you feel!" Brandon slammed the door and I got up and ran after him.

"Baby, please, wait!" I said running. I was out of breath really easily. Being pregnant plays me out. 

I stopped in the middle of running after him and bent over, panting. Suddenly, after a minute or so of toppling over out of breath, I felt a hand on my stomach. Brandon was right there, one hand on my stomach, his other arm around my shoulder.

"Brando, I'm sorry. I should've let Hunter finish." I kissed his cheek.

"No, baby girl, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I was just so scared about being a dad for the first time, I over reacted. Forgive me?" Brandon asked, kissing my forehead.

"Only if the baby wants to forgive you." I teased.

Brandon moved his head close to my stomach while saying, "Do you forgive the best dad in the world?" He stood back up and said, "The baby forgives me."

I giggled before saying, "Then it's settled. We can forgive you and we'll become one happy family." 

We kissed on the lips before walking to the living room to watch a movie. 

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