||Chapter 1-The Golden Year||

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"Ponyboy Curtis" my name was called by the principal of our high school. I made my way to the stage my face a light shade of red from all the attention. I stood in my light blue graduation gown in front of friends, family and rivals. But still as always I found my self searching for Johnny's' face in the crowd. It had been four years since we lost him and Dally but still I would wonder where they were when we were hanging out with the gang only to be rudely awakened with the fact they were never coming. I remembered Johnny's last words to me how he told me to "Stay Gold". 'Staying Gold' only got harder as I got older, It was easier when I had Johnny around. I considered the last year before I lost him the 'Golden Year'. We had our hardships but we were closer than ever then.....
It was the year 1964 I had turned thirteen a few months month ago. It was Halloween and it was a Wednesday. we had no school on Halloween. I was growing closer to the gang as I got older but I still didn't talk too much to anyone except for Johnny and Soda. We were at my house, mom was working extra shifts at the hospital and Dad was out roofing houses, today was one of the days my brother Darry worked with him. Darry was still trying to find a college we could afford to send him to. I loved Darry but he felt more like a father or uncle than a brother. It was only about noon and none of the fun started till the evening. Johnny, my best friend other than Soda, was sitting to my right watching me sketch a picture of Dallas Winston (Dally)  who was on the couch next to Two Bit. Steve and my brother Soda Pop who I loved more than anyone we're watching Mickey Mouse on the floor. "Guys let's book" Two Bit said. No one answered so he kept talking "There ain't nothin' to do here I know a flick we can see at the Drive-in". "Why can't we just hang loose till Darry gets back?" Dally said  in from what I could tell was an angry tone. He had a cold expression on his face. I quickly hid my picture of him behind the couch I was near. Dally was always angry but you couldn't blame him, I'm not sure where his mom is but his dad couldn't care less about him. Dally had been to jail for the first time at the age of ten. And several times since. "I'll go see a flick" Johnny said quietly. Dally softened his expression. "I'll go too" I added. "Fine I'll join ya" Dally paused and smirked "But only so I can cop a feel with some of those hot soc girls". Everyone laughed. "Me and Steve are gonna see if we can get work down at the station for a couple of hours. Meet back here at five" Soda informed Two-Bit. "Hangin' see ya then" Two Bit answered already out the door. "I'll drive?" Two Bit asked. "Two Bit we ain't goin' no where in your Daddy's car" Dally answered. Sometimes I swear he wants to start a fight, although I do agree with him. I don't know much about cars but I no Two Bits is ancient. "The Drive-in isn't far,we could walk" I intervened "Listen you little pantywaist no one asked you" Dally shoved me not enough to knock me down but enough to make me stumble backwards. My eyes widen I knew he probably wouldn't hurt me but Dally's very intimidating "Lay off Dally, the kid took your side anyhow" Two Bit put his hand on Dally's shoulder. "That's Darry's kid brother, you mess with him Darry won't take it easy on you" he finished. "Whatever" Dally mumbled as he walked ahead. "You okay kid?" Two Bit asked "It's not personal Dally hates everyone, you dig?" he added. "Yeah it's all cool". "How come we're going under the fence if we all have money?" Johnny chuckled. I had almost forgotten Johnny was there. We were at one end of the block and you could see Dally going under the fence at the other end. "Dally hates doing things the legal way" was the best answer I could come up with for Johnny.we made our way over to the hole and climbed under the fence. "I'm gonna get us some seats with Dally you guys go get some snacks" he handed Johnny some money. "Greasers!" some loaded  Soc yelled at us his voice slurred. Not that I wasn't proud of who I am I was but being called a Greaser by a Soc doesn't making you feel so tuff. Johnny could tell I was upset, he always could, he was like everyone's little brother except me. I was like his little brother. I needed him like he needed us. "Don't listen to him Pony, he's a dip stick!" Johnny punched me in the arm lightly. "Let's go buy to snacks" he changed the topic. He swung his harm over my shoulder as we walked away, then brought it back to his side when we arrived at the stand. "How may I help you young boys?" the cashier asked. She had long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, she looked about 17, man if Two Bit was here...he loves blondes. I didn't think much of her at the time. I wasn't really into girls. Soda told me Id grow out of it. Johnny blushed when she said young boys, he was fifteen but he looked thirteen like me, it bothered him a lot."Four cokes, four popcorns and two packs of Jujubes, mam" Johnny said, he had very fine manners compared to most of the group. This surprised me considering his parents had no regard for anyone but themselves "Coming right up!" she said cheerfully as she disappeared behind the counter. Me and Johnny stood in silence for about two minutes before she appeared with our food. Johnny and I thanked her before grabbing the food and scanning the crowd for Dally and Two Bit. It wasn't too hard after we heard a couple Soc girls scream we turned our heads to find Dally as he promised Copping a feel with the Soc girls and Two Bit laughing his head off beside him.  We walked over. "Dally you better watch it those girls boyfriends will be on our case now" Johnny warned. "They won't come after me and if they do we could take em'" Dally reassured us. "Whatever you say" Johnny said. Johnny would believe anything Dally said. He needed Dally and Dally needed him. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize everyone had sat down until Two Bit put his hand on my shoulder and said "Sit down, stay for awhile" before laughing hysterically. He cracked himself up all the time. I took a seat between him and Johnny. Dally was to the left of Johnny. I gave everyone their food. The movie was nothing special and nothing real exciting happened. It ended at 4:45 
giving us just enough time to bug out and make it home by five. When we arrived at my house Steve and Soda were on the sofa and Darry and Dad were on the kitchen table arm wrestling. Dad beat Darry again. He was the only person, including Dally, who I knew that was stronger then Darry. "Oh stop that, would you?!" my mom shouted as she ran over to the table then she saw us. "Hello Mr. and Mrs.Curtis" Johnny said politely, "oh Johnnycake how are you?" She pulled him into a hug.He just blushed and said "I'm doing fine". My mom treated Johnny better than she treated Soda, Darry  and I. She felt bad about his parents and like the rest of us tried to make it up to him. "Keith, Dallas you been staying at of trouble?" she gave a stern look but her face still soft and sweet. Two Bit blushed when she called him by his real name. "Yes, ma'am" Dally said. My mom might have been the only person Dally showed respect to. They had a bond I found interesting as weird as it was. "You know I'm no trouble maker, Mrs.Curtis" Two Bit said with a grin. "Please boys call me Susan, Mrs.Curtis makes me feel old" she smiled. I loved her smile all of us Darry, Soda and I had her smile. "Alright boys lets, cut out" Darry said. Everyone listened and started walking out the door doing no handed cartwheels and backflips. Halloween was our favorite night of the year besides the Fourth of July so everyone was excited. As I was walking out the door I heard my mom say to Darry and Soda "Watch your brother he's a lot younger than you guys" my mother warned. Soda was 16 and Darry was 19 I hated being the baby of the family sometimes. "Lay off the boys honey, Pony will be just fine" I heard my father. I let out a breath of relief, then followed the boys into the darkness of the night.

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