The first place

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He told me he lived for me, so when I stopped living, so did he.
His eyes told a sad story, a story of fear, loss, and heart break. I couldn't help him I told myself, but I was his reason for suffering. My lies, tears, blood, my life broke him. He would have been better off with that Emily, but no. What were you thinking! Why did you go off and fall in love with the fugitive. Me the fugitive, only because I was from public school, and I was in a school of no love and Christ was no where to be found. He is still trapped inside. But the worst part wasn't leaving, or losing him, it was seeing him rot with that horrible woman he has for a mother. Was I pregnant no. Did I have sex with your son NO. ALL WE DID WAS KISS!!! ONCE! WHAT THE HELL DID I DO! Honestly how in the world did I deserve this pain. First you take my friends turn them all on me. Then you take every adult and take their idea of me and twist it into some demented thing! And then you take Alex from me. You ruined my life, and I dont know how to ever forget it. And now I can't write a happy ending because there isn't one. Not without him, maybe, but definitely not with you around.

Some people who read this are going to think the person I'm talking about is one of my peers. No it's a older woman who tormented me for months and still to this day her and her little gang of rats are out to get me.

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