Chapter Three

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Running across the road and making it to the door of the library, Stella took shelter under the roof of the building and ran a hand over her now slightly wet clothes and hair. "Goodness gracious, how did it start raining suddenly."

She arched her brows and looked accusingly up towards the darkly covered sky, pouring down heavily. She calmed down her breath and entered the library filled in complete silence, except the sound of her entering steps and turning of the pages around, sounds which were audible enough along with the falling of the raindrops.

She bowed down presenting her greetings to the librarian and made her way quickly towards her usual spot, near the big window in the backside and after picking up a book of her choice. She just prayed Nathan won't appear in  the library today for she can't risk it. She hasn't told him about her meeting today.

She looked down at the book in her hands and then looked out of the window, watching the pitter-patter raindrops falling on it, making the visual outside somewhat blur for her eyes to watch clearly. Suddenly a car stopped by outside in her view. The screeching of the tires made the water splash on both the sides of the road. The car instantly got her attention making her alert. Calm down.. everything will be fine.

A man from the front of the car came out running while opening a black umbrella. He immediately went towards the back of the car and opened the door, sheltering the person coming out of it under it. And then came a huge masculine figure out of it, taking long strides to cross the road and making his way through the wet lane and entered the doors of the library in an eye blink. He was so quick; that Stella didn't even had the time to compose herself properly.

And when he entered the library, it was far away from possible. She just couldn't control her heartbeat and stop herself from admiring his masculine growth. He surely has changed from the last time they have met. His disheveled hair, tailored suit, predatory eyes and strong jaw line, made Stella sit at her sit with more surveillance, which after watching him, has surely shaken up to a notch and somewhere vanished.

"Thank you Diggory. You may leave."

Albert gestured his bodyguard to leave and searched inside the library to meet the lady, which as requested by his father's consent, has to be his future wife. Roaming his intensely curious eyes around the old library infrastructure and finally landing on to meet the one who had always made him lose his conscience, subconsciously or unconsciously. It just has to lose. Since she has that effect on him.

He was met with the same glorious glistening color of big round black eyes, which like a black hole always had the power to pull him towards it. Eyes, which had so many questions and so many emotions filled in it for him, always. He walked through the aisle, not even giving another glance to his surroundings and stood in front of the lady, who has surely turned more feminine as compared to his past memories.

Stella was astonished. She wasn't prepared to meet him in such a short notice. But couldn't go against her elders wish. Uncle Thomas wanted them to meet today. Had told about Albert accompanying him in his travel this time. The fact that Albert didn't want to stay at their mansion, being in the same town, did hurt her feelings. But she understands. Their old mansion was not up to his high standards now. And after seeing him today, it was very much clear as a daylight.

But she has to do this, do it for them at least. Her grandfather and Uncle Thomas. As they have hopes. A hope for something she knows is impossible to accomplish. For she knows how hard it is to mend their differences now. Which at a time in the past, was unbreakable.

"Hello..Stella." The unsteadiness in his voice made Stella content. Now she felt relieved that he wasn't so confident about their meeting, as he looked. Maybe I can just refuse him and go out of here without much of a discussion.

"Your habit of over thinking hasn't changed a bit. Not to forget, fiddling with your clothes while doing so. It's damn irritating." First she couldn't understand what he said for she was not paying much of her attention on the words but his lips. She just kept looking at him like a dumb statue gawking at him and watched him taking a seat opposite her and freed her hands off her fabric at once, realizing what he said and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, I won't say that I am too surprised, you always were the timid one." She opened her mouth to say something but thought better and shut it with a huff. She can't go back on arguing. Not with him. For that was what they did. Quarrel and then make out. And making out was not an option available for them now. So let's be mature.

"Uncle Thomas said that...that..." She was unable to speak out those words. Talking about her marriage, all by herself needed much more guts than she thought and had.

"I want to talk about something else before it." He said and she looked up, but trying her best to avoid making direct eye contact but still had her eyes on his face, waiting for what he has to say.

"Your hair..." He looked at her face, admiring the damp flick coming across her face and resting near her sweet pouty lips, somewhat enhancing her natural beauty in the dim lighted library. This woman will be the death of me. Why can't she just stop looking beautiful?

"My hair. What's with them?" Stella ran a conscious hand over her head but couldn't find anything which needed to be corrected. Why is he talking about my hair? It's not what we are here for. Albert pushed his body forward from his seat and bent a bit over the table, making his hand go across the barrier and touching her soft creamy cheeks.

She inhaled sharply, stilled by his gesture. She couldn't breath. She just couldn't breath.

His warm hands on her cold cheeks, made a jolt of familiar sparks run through her entire body, making her nerves go crazy and toes tingling. She couldn't tell him to stop it, she didn't have it in her. Her voice? Albert gently roamed his fingers at the sides of her cheeks and tried to move the damp flick from her face.

Stella sat there in movingly, watching intently at his face, their proximity was like raising the temperature of the place. Albert looked down at her pink pouty lips, then back at her eyes, watching the way they were glued on his face. Surely he wanted to do much more than just adjusting the flick away from her alluring lips, but he can't.

He is a man of self control now. And much has changed. He is changed. The circumstances have changed. And a lady like her, can't change that fact.
He is not that same boy who loved this woman sitting opposite him anymore. Not that naive kid anymore.

But still touching her cheeks, he dragged the flick away from her lips to the back of her ear and sat back at his original position and said with a slight smirk on his face.

"I have a....mistress."

Quote: How strange it is, that after all that we are strangers again.
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