Chapter Thirteen

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"I.....I mean we, me and my wife came to meet Stella. I am sorry, I haven't been able to be a part of your wedding ceremony, though all the stuff was done at the court, but still....I feel sorry that I couldn't make up for the best day of your life, Stella."

Nathan looked intensely at Stella, ignoring Albert's fake greetings, wanting Stella to meet his gaze.

But she still couldn't master up to look up and satisfy him with a relief that he gets forgiven for not being present at a day, when she needed him the most, as her support and even not informing her about his own marriage.

It was not the situation that made Stella jealous, no not at all.

She was too shocked to even think properly.

How could her best friend just get married instantly without even informing her?

At least in her case he knew that she was soon going to be acquainted with someone and was in the midst of so many complications in her life that she wanted to get some help with it.

But now she realized, why her only friend wasn't present during her ceremony.

During the time when she wanted suggestion, wanted to decide whether she should give away her dreams of having a better future with someone for a deal of meaningless marriage or should she fight against it, he was busy getting married hinself.

What a funny arrangement!

My best friend was himself busy getting married.

Albert was continuously noticing both the parties and was unsatisfied with his wife's reaction.

On one side when he was feeling content, watching his childhood hindrance getting aside as he has got married now.

Then why is not my wife happy for her friend too?

Does she has feelings for him?

Is there something I don't know?

This particular thought didn't went well with him and he was soon scowling with irritation and wanted to confront his wife.

"Stella my love, will you keep your friend waiting on the door, welcome your closest friend, inside your lovely house."

"I hope he doesn't wish to stand outside the whole day." Albert nudged Stella's side which made her come back to the reality and welcome her guests inside with lesser enthusiasm as compared to before.

They all proceeded to be settled down in the dining room as food was soon to be served.

As soon as Stella dragged her chair out and was going to get herself seated, Kristen made herself comfortable on the very chair dragged by her and smiled at her brightly.

"Oh I just thought it will be better if you sit along with your friend there and chat with him today. You know...amm for the old times sake. You guys must have lots of things to be talked about. Right?" Kristen smiled sweetly and looked by her side admiring the very handsome man, who was as eatable as all the dishes served on the table.

Stella sighed and made her way around the table getting herself seated by Nathan's side but not graced him with a single glance.

"Stella...I know you are upset from me....but can we talk?" Stella didn't make any reply to his request and asked Daisy to go to Oliver's room and look after him.

Kristen was busy conversing with Albert to which he hardly paid any attention, as he was busy himself observing the pair opposite him.

Nathan who was unable to tolerate any longer the silent treatment which he was getting from Stella, clasped her hand in his under the table, squeezing them while pleading her again to talk to him.

"Nathan! Leave my hand." Stella who whispered yelled at him, tried to wriggle her hand away from him.

Albert who suspected something wrong, dropped his spoon and bent down to pick it up and that was the moment when he noticed their joined hands and literally lost all his patience then and there.

He picked up the spoon and held it in his tight grasp making his veins bulge out in his palms and turning his knuckles white.

"Excuse me! I need to go to the washroom." Stella abruptly stood up and went hastily out of the dining hall not daring to turn back.

She went down the hall and made her way towards the balcony in the need of some urgently wanted fresh air.

"Stella!" She turned around watching a dark figure moving towards her and stepped back involuntary, unaware of what else to do.

"Nathan! What are you doing here? Just go back. Albert won't appreciate your presence here alone with me."
Stella turned back facing their grand garden, trimmed and flourished with moonlight shining above it.

"I don't give a damn about that devil of a man! Why should I? That coward made you marry him forcefully. I know you. You would never in your dreams have married that man, ever. He must have dragged you in something shitty to make you marry him." Nathan made her turn around and took her beautiful face gently in his hands and rubbed her cheeks lightly.

"I love you Stella. I always have loved you. The news of your marriage....made me so violent. I thought I lost you for ever." Stella looked at him incredibly shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing him say.

What the hell is he talking?

He loves me?

In all this while...the days we have spent he got the chance to reveal his feelings towards me?

When now....I am a married woman.

"I swear Stella, I married Kristen just to make you jealous...I was so angry and irrational at that time....I just wanted to hurt you in some way...the way your marrying someone else made me feel. I wanted to witness your sadness on seeing me with someone other than you."

"And I saw it! I saw the way you reacted on seeing Kristen with me. How jealous you were so sad and disheartened....that was enough to make me realize that you feel the same emotions for me the way I do for you."

"Oh my lovely Stella....I promise I will divorce Kristen as soon as possible. I can't live without you even for a minute my princess." Nathan who was feeling extremely proud with his confessions, advanced to kiss his beloved but Stella stopped him.

"What the hell are you talking about Nathan? Me and jealous? For God sake I was not jealous from her, I was disappointed in you."

"Your absence in my marriage, your absence during grandfather Dowden's illness and especially when I needed your support the most!" Stella was now bursting out with anger. She couldn't believe how low her friend could go just to prove his point to her.

But Nathan took nothing as an excuse and still advanced to hold her in his arms and get the feel of her luscious lips on his awaiting ones.

"What the fuck is going on here!"

Quote: Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.
-Hugh Mackay

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