the other end of the rainbow

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~Marissa's POV~

i walk out of the room, pretty sure there is a goofy smile on my face, i've been in a relationship with Vaun for 2 months now, haha i know, it's pretty early but i'm pretty sure he's the one, i mean he- "hey i'm a really big fan.." i hear a deep voice say i look up slowly from the carpet  ground to see white converse, blacky skinny jeans, and a ramones t- shirt     (a/n i really don't know what kinda shirt that is, i've just read it in other fan fictions)       green eyes and a brown mop of lucious curls, along with a beanie OMFG IT'S HARRY STYLES!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1/5 OF ONE DIRECTION play it cool Mari, he's just the boy that inspired you and Vana to REACH YOUR DREAMS!!!!!! Play it cool mari, you can do this. "Hey, i'm a pretty big fan too"


"so do you wanna- haha very funny, no really you can stop now...... BANNANAS.......POPTARTS......LLAMACORN...................BANAORAMA! DAMMIT, THAT'S NOT EVEN A WORD! I KNOW IT'S NOT A FUCKING WORD BUT I-

°°to be continued end of sync°°

"Aww, Harry Edward Styles dating Sky High's Marissa Julianne Sanchez? I'm a fan of both and i can already tell you'd make a cute couple! MARRY!" A blonde photographer squeals at us, we both blush tomatoe red


"that's nice of you but we're not- SHIT!"

"SEE! You'd make the greatest couple!"

"Any WAYS" i said to the photographer as I stood on my tippy toes and placed my hand over Harold's mouth.

"Awwwww" the photographer said as she snapped a couple of pictures.

~Harry's POV~

OH MY FUCKING GOD, MARISSA FROM SKY HIGH IS TOUCHING ME. Im fan guying so hard right now...but i cant show it or my life would be over. I hope that i don't mess my chances up with her...

"HARRY THERE YOU AR-hey aren't you Marissa from Sky High?" Louis asked Marissa. Don't mess this up for me Lou. "Yes aren't you Louis from One Direction?" Marissa asked challengingly. "Yes, yes i am" Lou said as he brushed off his shoulders "Are you a fan?" "Of course! Are you a fan of me?" Marissa asks.

"well i only am because of Harry, he has your doll, life size cut out board, posters that are ALL over his wall AND celiling, customized toilet cover with your face on it, his comforter has your face on it, his laptop wallpaper has you when you fell asleep doing a twit cam, Molly his cat has a collar with your face on it, he also uses the same hair product as you, his microphone is your favorite color, his favorite song is your favorite song and well he basically devotes his whole life to you but he never gets the pinta of you because he doesn't want to hurt you" Lou said. With each word my eyes just got bigger and bigger and the urge to kill him became larger and larger.

Marissa wordlessly uncovered my mouth as her mouth hung ajar. "Oh did i mention his phone, toothbrush, suitcase, stalker app-" Lou said before I tackled against the wall.

~Marissa's POV~

"Where did that photographer go?" I asked myself as i looked down the hall as Harry strangled Lou. "He also has a replica necklace of your heart necklace that he wears every day" Lou said as he fought off Harry.

"HAROLD, hands off the child!" I exclaimed as i pulled Harry off of Lou. "He's older than me though!" Harry exclaimed. "But who's taller?" I said as Lou and I sat down on a 2 seater couch in the hall.

"Lou" Harry said as gave Lou a dirty look. Lou childishly stuck his tongue at Harold. "I'm noticing some tension between you two that i don't know the story too" I said as i look between Harry and Lou.

"well" Lou said "Harry- its best you dont know when its the right time Harry will tell you, don't wanna ruin the surprise."

"Hey Harry can you come here real quick?" I asked Harry as i beckoned him with my finger.

"Yeah sure" Harry said as he walked over to me.

"Lou can you get up for a few-hey you know what, go get Liam, Zayn & Niall while your at it" I said as Lou got up from the couch with a huge smirk on his face. "Sure" he said as he jogged down the hall and turned a corner.

"Sit Harold" i said as i patted the seat next to me. "Sooooooo" Harry said after he sat down.

I slowly leaned into him, his eyes grew large then he leaned into me as well.

~Harry's POV~

OH  MY MOTHERFUCKING GOD. SHE'S GOING TO KISS ME. She leaned in a bit more before she shoved her hand down my shirt and grabbed the necklace Lou blurted out that wasn't a lie.

I grew a bright shade of red. " Oh my god he wasnt lying" she whispered with a large smile on her face.

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