Is green really the lucky color?

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A/n: guess the lucky color!

Third person:

The criminal watched as Vanessa's eyelids began to droop the world becoming foggier and foggier for her. 'she'll be worth loads to him' the criminal thought. "let her go!" Another Irish accent yelled. At the doorframe stood a furious man Vanesa couldn't recognize due to the drug that was no longer being held on her face. " what do you plan on doing about it brat? I can do whatever i wan-" his words are cut off by the Irish man tackling him to the ground, throwing punch after punch the sound of skin against skin clashing into the air. 'he can't kill him' Vanessa thought, she army crawled with her remaining strength pleading her savouir to stop. " Please, you can't kill him" Vanessa wheezed. The Irish lad froze and looked at her. The blazing blue was the last thing she saw before he whacked her upside the head with a straightner. Niall's vision turned hazy red as he began punching and kicking the almost-kidnapper. Once Ni was satisfied and believed that he had enough, he packed Vanessa's things. It wasn't much, simply the basics supras,converse, lots of skinny jeans, navy blue and black long-sleeve shirts, t-shirts, polos, a few dresses, "toiletries", lots of journals, and what he found strange was that the only piece of jewelry was an empty silver locket with a butterfly on it. He slung the bag over his right shoulder and Vanessa over his left. he started walking out the door when he heard groaning, "You can't protect her forever Niall, I know how valuable she is to you. She will be mine." the motionless lump breathed out. "She will never be yours Bobby, and you don't know what i value." Niall snapped as he fast walked to the door, just as he stepped out he heard Bobby mutter,"of course I do, I'm your father." that was enough to get the irish lad sprinting out the back door and driving away in his white van with Vanessa.

Harry's POV:

"we should head to my dressing room so i can ask you to sign a few things so I can sell em on ebay" Marissa says.

"What?"i question.

"GOLD DIGGER!" Louis shouts walking around the corner back to us.

"Asshole was watching us the whole time..." I thought glaring at Lou.

"haha, just kidding, but really, lets head to my room.".We turn around and the door's not there. "guys, i think this place is haunted"

"or we just subconsciously walked and talked without knowing"

"I like my version better Lou, makes it seem more-marissa puts widens her eyes and makes jazz hands- dramatic" We end up finding our way back to her room. With my occasional side glance at her, or my 'accidental' brushing of hands which i can tell is making her blush. "Marissa, did you leave the door open, and why do I hear moaning?" Lou questions with a frightened look on his face.

"you don't think-" i start


"DUDE, OF COURSE SHE'S A VIRGIN, QUIT YOUR SHIT AND LET'S WALK IN THERE!"Marissa shouts, and she storms into the room. She gasps loudly "OH MY GOODNESS GRACIONYA!" i rush towards her, not caring the fact that Lou mumbled "I better not see porn stars at it." and i widen my eyes at the sight. "She's not here, and neither are her things..."

A/N: WAS THAT OKAY!?! I hope so, gunna see Catching Fire tomorrow, I heard it's great! Almost was able to purchase a Capitol I.D. card, AND IT WAS FREE! but sadly shipping is evil. WHADDYA THINK WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yea, the lucky color was white! White van? ',:)

Cya my butterflies


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