07. The Unveiling

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Chapter 7 | The Unveiling

"Because some secrets are best kept hidden."

-Mallory Millington

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Some things have a way of making you smile. Whilst most of the people would be overjoyed by the announcement of new season of their favorite television show or trying out the new restaurant uptown or even when they buy the new book of the series they adore or something of the kind, some people are different.

Whatever may be the thing that transports you to your happy place, but one thing is certain, for most people exercising would never top the list, that is, unless you are a fitness fanatic. Apparently, exercising leads to release of endorphins from the pituitary glands of the brain. These endorphins are "feel-good" chemicals which induce feelings of euphoria and pleasure. In relatively simple words, it's a natural substitute for the drug Ecstasy or so scientists argue.

Lying on the couch with sweat rolling down her face, Mallory could vehemently debate the aforementioned fact. With her heavy pants, she was exhausted from all the physical activity. She couldn't help but feel that whoever said that endorphins were natural pain killers should be hanged till death.

"You know, some day I will die from all these nasty activities you force me to do!" Mallory squalled at her brother while he searched for the can opener in the kitchen.

"Nasty activities?" he scoffed. "All you did was run for a few minutes!"

"A few minutes?" Her eyes widened feigning horror. "We left at 6:03 and it's practically 7:08!" She shoved the cellphone screen in her brother's face as he gave her the can of some energy drink.

"You jogged for ten minutes. And after that it was just me dragging you while you practically dragged your feet!" He said complaining. "And besides it's not like I enjoy doing this to you."

"Oh, don't give me that shit! You enjoy it. You enjoy each minute of my torture," she said snatching away the gray can.

"Okay, sometimes I do. But I am just a human!" Jake tried to hide his sly smile. Mallory thought that it was almost schoolboy-ish that his twenty four years old brother still enjoyed annoying her. "But it's for your own good!" he added.

"Oh, really? My good?" She pouted again. "Jacob Millington, I will tell you what's good for me!" She gulped down some of the drink.

Jake quirked his eyebrow.

"Food, food is good for me. Lots and lots of food. And sleep is good for me," she argued. "Running and exercising are bad. B-A-D. Bad for me."

"And that peeping tummy is definitely very good." Jacob retorted with an eye roll.

"Look at the guy, making me body-shame myself!" She crowed in mock-horror.

"Health and body-shaming are two different things! And be-"

He was cut off when the doorbell rang.

"Go open the door Jake." Mallory commanded.

"It's your turn, Smelly-Melly!"

Mallory scrunched her nose at the familiar nickname and said, "No it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"It's not."

"It is."

"It's not."

At that moment, her phone buzzed. It was Ben.

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