Fire -1

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  "Will ya marry me?" Jack asks. We were standing in the middle of the park. "I WILL!" I say and he puts the ring on my finger. He leans in and kisses me. Finally. I'm getting married to my favourite youtuber. The lights on the trees sparkling. The sun just set. Mark and Felix there clapping and cheering. I can't believe my luck. Life is just great. With Loretta out the way, me and Jack can finally be together in peace. "Jack did you set this up yourself?" I ask, pulling out of the kiss. "Yeah, anything for you (Y/N). Your the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I love you." He says. "jeez Jack I have already said yes," I say and he smiles. "I know but I'm only telling you to true. I'm glad I will be able to call you my wife soon." He says. "Aww Jack I love y-" I say but get cut off by Felix shouting. "FIRE!!" He shouts and point to the trees. Sure enough the trees were on fire. "Oh shit run!!!!" Jack says and grabs my hand. We all run. We call 999. The fire gets put out. "I can't believe that! The one day I want to be perfect. The one day!" Jack shouts. "Hey Jack, today was still perfect," I say and kiss his cheek. Me and Jack go to jacks apartment while Felix and Mark goes to mine. "I want this to still be a great day," He says to me. I smile at him. "I told you it already has," I say. "How about a game? We can play whatever you wanna play! The computer is all yours for today," He says, sitting in the chair and spinning around while he attempted to point at the computer. "Alright," I say and he stops spinning and patted his knee. I sat on his knee and he loaded up a game I picked.We have been here some Mario Maker levels for hours, it's one of the best times of my life and not just because I'm beating Jack for once.We're having a bit of a competition of who can finish the levels in the least amount of attempts, so far we've played 23 levels and I've won 12 and Jack's won 11.One thing's been bothering me though, I want to know who started the fire in the park. No I can't think about that! This is going to be a perfect day. I'll think about it later. One thing I do need to think about now though is Jack's birthday, that's only a month away and I want it to be really cool. I want to get him something special not just a Jse phonecase like I did for Christmas, Jack did some pretty awesome stuff for me so I'm going to make his birthday the best that I can and if I'm going to do that then I'll need to start preparing early. "No! That was bullshit!" I shouted. "You shouldn't have made that jump!" Now me and Jack have passed and equal amount of levels, and I refuse to let him beat me."One more level" Jack said, passing the controller to me. Why does Jack have to be so god damn good at every single game he plays. Watch I'm going to beat this in one try.Time skipI ended up doing it in about 3 attempts in the end. That isn't that bad. I pass the controller back to Jack. If he does it in less that 3 tries then I am the Mario Maker champion. But he knows the layout of the level now."Shit" He muttered. He just ran into the first enemy in the level. I think I'm going to win this. "Well done" I said sarcastically "I'm going to do it on this attempt watch me" "Good luck with that" Well he jumped over the first enemy this time, that's an improvement. The level we chose isn't that long, I think it takes about a minuet to complete it, if you make it to the end. Jack's passed the halfway point but he's lost all of his power-ups. This is going to be close. He's just started to speed run it now. That's not going to end well. "Yes!" He shouted "See. Speed is key in this game. Anyway I'm going to bed now, I'm tired. You coming too?""Yeah" I said. I don't really want to go to sleep, because that'll mean that today will end I don't want it to, it's been the best day of my life  

Stuff happened and now im writing it again!!!! Your welcome.

@charlie3579 Has been so great. Thank you to her too!

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