Who was it? - 2

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I turn around to see Jack wasn't there. I could smell bacon from downstairs. "Jack is that bacon?" I shout. "Yep!" I hear my Irish boy reply. "Thanks," I say as I crawl out of bed and make my way downstairs. "It's smells so nice!" I saw as Jack brings the plate to me. "Enjoy," He says and kisses my cheek. I smile at him and begin to eat. He walks over and turns the tv on. "Nothing, nothing, nothing, oh babe! Look at this!!" Jack says as he was flicking through the shows. It was the news. It was a video of the park on fire. I sit and watch.
"Yesterday the park of (somewhere I dunno I can't think) was burned down after someone set fire to it. This video footage shows the person doing it." "Wait jack pause it," I say as I look at the person. It couldn't be. No. It was.
"Jack." I say and it turn to him with horror. Horror was in his eyes too. It was Loretta.
"No." We both say as I begin to get tears in my eyes.
"I though she burned to death in that hospital!" I say and jack nods.
"So did I," Jack says.

"No,no,no this can't be happening. This must be a dream. No. A nightmare." That was when the tears came. Jack saw this and pulled me into a hug. His hugs are the best. I rest my head on his chest.
"I don't think I can deal with her again," I saw and he sighs.
"You won't have to babe. I promise" He says hugging me tighter.

Oh no short chapter we are all gonna die XD

Edit: I'm sorry for being so inactive I have no excuse but I'm back baby!!


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