Chapter 8

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Ashley moved two steps backward the minute she heard those words and turned to avoid looking at Victoria's face.
Valerie was already in shock of the information that she had just received . She also had other things on her mind she turned to support her daughter and grabbed her hand and ran, dragged Ashley with her outside.

"Get in; we are going."
Ashley was blown, but her distress showed signs of being microscopic. She had never seen her mother so horrified as if she had seen a ghost. She drove the car outside like there was no tomorrow.

"Mom, are you ok?" It was like she wasn't even here at the moment! "Mom"!!! Ashley yelled at Val to get her attention " are ohk..???"
"Don't worry about me are you fine?"
"I'm ohk, better than you at least what's the matter mom? "
But she didn't reply, Valerie was concentrating on driving at the moment with all the thoughts flowing in her head she was too timid to even drive straight.
At this moment Ashley pondered upon the evening events. She wanted to be bothered my the disturbing possible claim of her mother yet she was clam and was more worried about Valerie and her Ian was still crossing her mind with his fair skin, sharp as the finest blade jawline and crystal clear innocent eyes. Ashley again sighed a long breath shaking her thoughts back to place.

It bothered her not being mad or upset, but it seemed like her mind has accepted that things will never be the same, and she had kept an open mind like both could surprise her anymore.
She noticed they were headed not home but some place else where they were going, asking Valerie was not going to help, she won't be answering any of her questions.
Waiting to find out seemed the right thing, they pulled over on a street that Ashley recognized slightly she hadn't been here for long time now and it was even harder to recognize it in the dark!

"Mom what are we doing here? Why uncle Tony's house? Is everything already ? Did something happen! Did he call you?? Ashley was worried this would only happen if there was an emergency. Valerie and Tony had been a cold war since the incident occurred. They would talk to each other on occasions but only when extremely necessary they would drop by, which had never happened, not that Ashley had seen ever.
"Mom stop!!".. Ash yelled behind her in hope that it would make her stop and answer all her questions. "I can't take this anymore! What are you doing!!!!"
She kept moving on. Valerie rang the door bell and called out for Tony.

Ashley still conjuring about the situation stood behind Valerie Waiting for her uncle to open the door and when he did all she could hear was, "I saw her, I think I met her Tony after all these years."

Valerie entered the house in need of a place to sit and clam down.
" Uncle what's happening who she talking about!!?"

"Relax I think she is just stressed and upset let me talk to her, y don't you go to the kitchen and get her some water, and you drink some too" tony walked towards Valerie and took her to his study.

"Who are you talking about"....Valerie unable to keep it in any further rambles everything out in a hurry"its Victoria she is here I saw her, she is..."
"Wait what? It must be a mistake, we don't even know what she looks like now, the last we saw her she was 18, and we were just kids."

"I remember, she looks just like mother Tony she does !"

Ashley enters the room, with water for everyone and ready to get all her answers no matter what. Ashley wasn't going to accept being treated like that!

"Mom, enough now please you what to tell me what is this?? Why are we here! "

"We need to talk honey, I am sorry for my behavior but I need to be sure before I say anything " Val looked at Tony for support and asked him to get the photo albums from their childhood.

Valerie opened the album book to see what she was sure of it was her, Valerie Victoria and Tony together playing in the same house that they were standing in right now.

"Mom, this is a joke right"?
" no, apparently not!".
Ashley felt as if she was in the Truman Show. All the people entering her life day in and day out, all scripted to bring entertainment to others. First her father, then the shock of having an evil sister and now the despair of having an evil queen as her mother. She feared if her Ian was a part of this. Ohhh no not him too where her only diligent thoughts.

Ashley backed up and walked towards the door.
"Ash, say something."
" I don't know what to say, mom. What do you expect? I have no words. I'm just lost."

Valerie was outraged by her actions, she saw the sadness in Ashley's eyes and hugged her hard to support her in grief. Valerie had caused this pain in her daughter's life, and she didn't know how to help her deal with it!

Ashley moved away to breathe freely and wiped her tears. "So she is your sister huh! How was she? What happened? No, wait you know what....I think I had enough for today I don't want to know anymore."

"Yes, yes you have..Val do you want to stay here tonight?"

Ashley interrupted apologetically " uncle I hope you don't mind, but I would like to go home now."

They got inside the car, and Valerie drove into the night back home.

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