4: You know where

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The Great Hall seemed much emptier than usual this morning, I suppose families didn't want their children going back to a school that's been entered by a bunch of death eaters, 'hosted' a battle, and well, everything else Harry is responsible for.

I saw Luna sitting happily with some of her fellow Ravenclaw's, at the Hufflepuff table there were people talking animatedly.

The Gryffindor table was quite loud other than the area where my friends and I sat. The Slytherin table was a different story, nobody spoke. Everyone's heads were bowed, no one even attempting to make a conversation.

Blaise, Pansy and Draco all sat beside each other, none looking up from their food.
I turned my head back down to my plate. I had suddenly lost my appetite.

The sight of everyone around us, laughing and enjoying life like people didn't just die. I stand up abruptly and walk out of the Great Hall.

The corridor was empty, not a person or ghost (not trying to discriminate ghost.) was here.
Everyone was eating breakfast. I began my walk toward the Herbology building, where Neville specialized.

  Today our class was just reviewing how to take proper care of a baby mandrake. It was quite boring, even for me. It was something we had learned to do in second year. The year I was petrified by a serpent.

  As the class left the room I began to scurry off to potions, this class was shared with most of my fellow Gryffindors and a few Slytherins.

  Professor Slughorn had written our assignment on the board before chatting with Harry, his favorite student. I'm not gonna lie, it always makes me jealous that Harry got more attention and praise than me.

He cheated during nearly his whole sixth year.
Our assignment was to make a Draught of Peace potion, and to partner up.

Professor Slughorn is a great teacher, but I hate partnering up. Ron and Harry always end up together and Ginny and Luna are partners.

I sit in my seat waiting to tell Professor Slughorn their is nobody to be partners with me and act disappointed, but of course, here comes my oh so perfect Prince Charming.
Draco Malfoy.

"I haven't got a partner to work with, seeing as I need to speak with you. I believe the arrangements work out quite nicely." He says pulling a stool up for himself.

I roll my eyes and turn my head beginning the potion. Draco frowns and begins helping.

When we are about halfway through with our potion Draco turns to me, "Hermione, you have no idea how sorry I am, what happened. It was, tragic. I wish I hadn't gotten sucked into that life. Maybe, if I'd just left my father, maybe we could be together..." He says.

His eyes are foggy and my heart is racing as his hands shake. He has no idea how much I miss him, but could I ever fully forgive him?

"Draco, I loved you," he cringes as the word loved.

"But you hurt me, you went to the side that killed my friends, how can I ever forg-" I'm cut off.

"Remember my trial, you saved me. Why would you do that unless you really care about me? Please Hermione..."

"Meet me in the Astronomy tower tonight. You know what time, I'd hate to ruin your image talking to you now." I say bitterly.

"No, I don't care about that stuff anymore, that was my father not me." His hands still shook. My fingers trembled as I measured the ingredients that finished off the potion.
"I'll meet you tonight." I say pouring the completed potion into a vile, labeling it and taking it to Professor Slughorn's desk.

Without another word to Draco, class was
Dismissed and I left. I was going to meet him tonight, hear him out. I could do this.

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