3: Of all charges

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I followed Harry, Ginny and Ron to the train Station. Everyone was very chatty on the way here, Ron has been depressed since Fred died, Ginny was too but seemed to be feeling better now. Harry has seemed to be in a large state of... Well just quietness. I wouldn't exactly say depressed, he doesn't mope, just stays quiet most of the time.

I however, emotionally traumatized. I hate to feel as though I'm taking Harry's deserved spotlight, but after everything at Malfoy Manor and the war, and losing my friends, it seems as though I don't want to be anywhere. It sounds strange but whenever I'm by myself, my life seems much more... Well, less depressing.

Harry isn't quite as quiet anymore, him and Ginny are dating, they are a great couple and I love them together.

They aren't the only ones that found love throughout the hard times, Neville and Luna are together. As for Ron, well, he doesn't really do much and I of course, am missing the love of my life... After the battle of Hogwarts, Ron ended up not speaking to me for nearly a month, the first time he did was to snap at me for being so upbeat.

He said, and I quote,
"How are you so happy when all our friends just died? That's just it! None of your close friends actually died!"

He snapped at me that day, he was as snappy as when he wore the Slytherin locket, it was quite scary how short his temper was. It still is, Ron is like a time bomb, just one little word can make him snap.

As for me, well,
I'm ridiculous, I'm so sad, I miss my friends I lost, I miss the family whose memories are obliviated to forget me, and somehow, with all this, I miss Draco so much. I wish he hadn't left me in sixth year, I probably shouldn't have forgiven him, but I did. He knows this, I proved it at his trial.


"Draco Lucius Malfoy, accused of being a death eater and the unanimous killing of muggleborns and muggles."

The new minister of magic says.

"Do you have any witnesses Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco's pale face was shaking, as was his legs and arms where he sat in the chair where many have died. He begins to tell him no when she walks in.

"I, Hermione Jean Granger, am Draco's witness." She says emerging from the doorway as Albus Dumbledore once did for Harry.

Dumbledore was dead now, things have changed. Hermione's hair was combed through and her clothes seemed straightened, she still had a pale tear-streaken face. Anyone could tell.

The minister of magic looked at the witness with shock, "I'm afraid you cannot be a witness, you can decide his consequences. Would you like to hear the accused again?" He asks Hermione.

"No, My decision's made."

"And what will this conclusion be?"

"Free him of all charges."

"F-free him of a-all ch-charges?" The minister stutters.


The Minister draws the conclusion and without a word, walks out of the courtroom.


I still have no idea what brought me to forgive him so easily, perhaps it was the broken look on his face when I was tortured at the Manor, or how I remembered our relationship, which was broken, yet full.

I don't know exactly what it was, but the urge was strong, and it worked. Draco would be returning to Hogwarts this year to complete his final year as a student. This scares me, how often will I see him? Did I want to see him? I can't.

I do.

  The train ride ends up pretty quiet after an hour or so, I suppose the memories we shared on this train came back, they were reminiscing in what we had.

  A half hour before arrival time I went to the restrooms to change into my robes. I look at my reflection in the mirror, it's a bit disturbing. When I first came here, I had bushy hair, large teeth, and I was happy and... Innocent.

Now, my hair's just a bit curly and my teeth look normal with the rest, there are dark circles under my eyes since I haven't slept much lately. I'm skinnier than usual because I can't ever eat, it always makes me feel sick. And now, carved into my arm is the word


A word that just brings my past back to my thoughts. I often wear long sleeves to cover it up, hoping nobody ever notices. Harry may take fame well, but I despise it.

I most definitely prefer to be unknown to the world.

I change into my robes quickly and walk out of the compartment, my head's down and I can't see where I'm going so when I fall, it's no surprise. I run into something hard, I stumble backwards, I wasn't going to do something as cliché and fall until I lost my footing and tripped backwards making me look ridiculous. The person I ran into sucks in a breath, then whispers my name quietly.

"Hermione." Draco Malfoy, I knew I would have to approach him sooner or later but I was hoping later.

"D-Draco." I stutter quietly.

"I... Can we talk?"

"I-I don't think that would be a very good idea." I say and quickly scurry off hoping that was the last time I'd see him. Of course I know my luck though, that will never happen.


It's around midnight when I began hyperventilating, I awoke from my nightmare with a fright, Bellatrix was tortuting me once again and Draco stood by laughing.

I got up quickly and decided to sneak off to the Astronomy Tower. This was where I always rid my problems, where Dumbledore died.

I stand on the balcony overlooking the empty campus, my hands clamped tightly over the bars of the only thing keeping me from falling and dying a most painful death.

I stood, thinking of nothing, just looking out at the school and it's campus. Attempting to push every horrid thought that came to mind, obliviatingy parents memories, being tortured by Bellatrix, seeing all the dead friends and family members after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco's trial.

My eyes began to burn as I realized I had not been blinking in a while. My hair whipped with the wind and a longer strand tickled my ear. I looked at the watch on my wrist, 1:34, I decided to go back to my dormitory. If I didn't get enough sleep I would be too tired to begin lessons tomorrow.

I snuck back to my room successfully, I took off my coat and shoes and lie down on my bed, the last thought that enclosed my mind was Draco's silver eyes piercing through me as I excused myself on the train.

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