Chapter 1

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I ran through the fields with Rebekah, Elijah chasing behind us. The warm sun high in the sky over head. "Come on Rebekah we must hide before Elijah catches us," I said dragging her along. I have known Rebekah and her family my whole life. I considered her my sister and her brothers my brothers too. Growing up I was the only child, my mother had died giving birth to me and my father raised me. He never liked me he would even beat me sometimes.

I met the Mikaelsons when I was 5, I had been running from my father in the market when I bumped into a lady. She had turned around and saw my bruises, she tried to help me but father came and grabbed me by my arm. He stopped when he saw the lady and bowed his head in apology for my rudeness, but all she could focus on was the bruises that covered body. She asked me how I had got them and when I went to tell her father interrupted me saying I was clumsy and fell over pretty much anything. I could tell by the look on her face that she did not believe him.

She asked for my hand and I gave it to her she closed her eyes as if concentrating. When her eyes opened they were filled with a silent rage and they were now on my father. She called for a man named Mikael, the man came forward with 5 children following him 2 looking close to my age. The man was tall over shadowing my father a little. The lady later introduced herself as Esther Mikaelson and the man was her husband Mikael. The 5 children were Elijah, Finnik, Rebekah, Kol, and Niklaus. I told them my name was Isabella Gillian, and my fathers name was Jessop.

I felt my fathers hand tightening on my shoulder, I knew I would be getting another beating that night for bothering a noble family. When I winced a little Esther's eyes snapped to the hand that was covering my shoulder. The next thing that came out of her mouth surprised both me and my father. "Why have you beatin' this child?" she asked. My father tried to feign and acted as if he knew nothing of what she was talking about, but some how she saw through it. All of Esther's children glared at my father fiercely. I could now see that this woman wanted to help me and so did her family. "Come to me child," she beckoned to me.

I escaped my father's grip and ran into her open arms. She cooed softly in my ear as I cried. They forbid my father from ever seeing me again and took me to their home. The next day my father was found dead in the forest. I knew it was either Esther or Mikael who had killed him but I didn't care, that man deserved everything he got. I have been living with the Mikaelsons ever since. They even changed my last name to Mikaelson, and over the years there has been a new addition to the family, Henrick.

He was born 3 years after the Mikaelsons took me in. He became my little brother and I loved him. We were all now one big family. I was now 18 so is Rebekah, Finn is 23, Henrick is 10, Niklaus 21, Kol 19, and Elijah is 22. I loved all of them as sister and brothers except Niklaus, but I have never told him. I can't help but notice each time he enters a room especially now. He walks into the room carrying a bloody, pale, limp body in his arms. One that can only be resembled as Henricks, Klaus looks to have been crying.

What has happened?

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