Chapter 4

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"Isabella who are these people, and what are these people?" Edward asked glaring at my family. We were now at the Cullens house sitting in the living room, along with the pack.

"These people are my family, and if you calm the down long enough and stop talking off my freaking ear I could explain what we are, boy" I sneered. He closed his mouth but continued glaring.

"This is my family and we are the Mikaelsons, and we are also Original vampires," I said. "What the hell are Original vampires?" Jacob asked. "Original vampires are the first vampires to ever exist, which happens to be me and my family, we were created by our mother Esther, a witch," I said.

"Isabella are you, ok love, did you hit your head, because the last time I checked you are human," Edward said looking at me with worry. "And the last time I checked I am a vampire and have been one for over a thousand years," I sneered and they gasped.

"Just because I don't sparkle in the fucking sun like you doesn't mean I am not a vampire, your kind isn't the only vampire species out there Cullen," I said glaring. "How many are there exactly?" Carlisle asked. "Only 2 our kind and your kind, our kind is more close to the legends, we burn in the sun and we die from wooden stakes being stabbed in our hearts and vervain weakens us, the whole garlic thing and not being able to see our reflection is just a myth," I said.

"Wait but I have seen you out in the sun light before," Jacob exclaimed. "Daylight ring, Esther made one for each of us so we would be able to walk around in the day time," I said showing him my ring.

"What is vervain?" Emmett asked. "It's a plant, that can be turned into a liquid, the plant alone makes us weak, but if we touch it it will burn us, but we will heal, it can knock out a normal vampire of our kind when injected into them long enough to stake them, but it has no effect on me and my family because we have built up a toleration for it by consuming it many times," i explained.

"Wait arent all of your kind called Originals?" Sam asked. "No only we are because we are the only Originals, the first 6 vampires to exist, there's a difference between us and the normal kind of our species," Elijah said. "Whats the difference?" He asked.

"We, the Originals, can not be killed by any thing, while they can be killed by stakes, fire, or a werewolf bite," I said. Their eyes got wide.

"Wait you mean to tell me that you can never die?" Carlisle asked.

"Nope, but we can be put to sleep," I said. "What do you mean by put to sleep?" Edward asked. "There was once a tree that could be carved into stakes that could actually kill us, but it was burned down, the ashes from the tree were used to make daggers, when we are stabbed with the daggers we go into a type of slumber, we are basically incapacitated, no feeling, sound, smells, hearing, just darkness like we are actually dead, but when the dagger is removed we come back," Elijah explained.

"How do you know how it feels?" Esme asked.

"I and my family have been recently undaggered after over 400 years of being daggered," he said. "Who daggered you?" she asked. "Niklaus, my brother," Elijah looked at Klaus. "Wait but Isabella has been with us how was she daggered?" Carlisle asked.

"She never was, she was the only one who had been able to run from Niklaus," Elijah said. "Despite Klaus being a huge ass he did it to protect us," Rebekah said smiling. My family laughed.

"How is daggering your own family protecting them?" Edward asked in disgust.

"Because if he wouldn't have our father would have probably killed us!" I growled. "What?" he looked dumbstruck.

"In order for it to make sense we have to start from where it all began, the day I met the Mikaelsons the day I became one."

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