A surprize

78 5 7

Luke's POV.

I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could, washed my sculpted face, and combed my sandy blonde hair off to the side, laughing at how similar I looked to Thomas Sangster. I looked down at my six-pack as I put on a white T-shirt as though I would become a NAF like everybody at college told me I was. College. It was almost as bad as middle school. Whatever, the past is the past. Anyways, I put on my least worn-out jeans, slipped my iPhone 6s into my right front pocket and rushed out of my room and into the apartment's kitchen. The dishes had been nicely stacked on the counter, clean and ready to be put away in their proper cupboards. The living room was right next to the kitchen, with a soft white couch and a flatscreen TV on the wall. I took the keys to my apartment and my silver Porche off the glass coffee table and walked out the door. It wasn't until I had locked the door that I realized that I had forgotten something important.

I quickly unlocked the door and ran into my bedroom like someone might have stolen it. I plucked my wallet and the $40,000 diamond ring off of my dresser and quickly left. I slammed the door, locked it, and ran down the fire escape stairs to my left. As soon as I got to the parking garage, I sprinted to my porche and got in. I started it up and sped out of the garage. Still going the speed limit, of course. I turned on the radio and looked at the clock on my dashboard. It was 8:57. I turned left twice, right once, and slammed the brakes in front of Backalley Blender. I got out of the car and texted Jade.

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