The Laboratory

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The gang followed Moira to wherever she was going, until she stopped

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The gang followed Moira to wherever she was going, until she stopped.  It was an abandoned building, looking like a laboratory.  To Moira, this was extraordinary.  She used to be a scientist before she became a park ranger.  Only one thing stood in the path between her and the laboratory; another dinosaur.  Moira could tell this was a Cryolophosaurus, due to the curved crest on its head.  It tilted its head, watching the new things.  Jackson pulled out his net gun to try and catch it, when he heard a metal bang.  He turned, and there was a raptor on a crate close to the laboratory.  It looked like one of the raptors that killed the Parasaurolophus, but it was much larger with a mix of spines and quills.  It was an alpha.

The alpha turned, and another, normal raptor showed behind it.  Possibly this was the alpha's mate.  No one moved a muscle, but Jackson was paranoid.  He pulled out his pistol, but before he could fire, the alpha leaped at him, knocking him over.  His pistol was knocked out of his hand from the force.  The Cryolophosaurus watched this, and it slowly advanced toward Moira.  She pulled out her cattle prod swiftly.  The Cryolophosaurus burst toward her, snarling.  Moira rammed the cattle prod into the Cryolophosaurus's chest, knocking it out.  Meanwhile, Angus was helping Jackson by setting the alpha raptor on fire with a weapon of his creation; a flamethrower/chainsaw mix.  Flesh burning, the alpha signaled its pack mate to retreat.  The Cryolphosaurus ran away too when Marcus started shooting at it.

    "Jackson?  Are you OK?" Angus said to a bleeding Jackson.

     "No!" Jackson shouted, "I am very much not OK!"

Jackson received bites on his neck and shoulder, as well as scratches on his chest.  Moira went into the lab, while the rest tried to help Jackson's wounds.  No one however was aware of the animal on the roof.

As soon as Moira set for in the lab she could tell instantly what happened.  This was a private facility, cut off from the rest of the world.  Mad scientists were working on trying to bring dinosaurs back from the dead, and they did.  However, the creatures turned on them.  What further supported this was the fact that there were dead bodies littering the place.  On a piece of old paper, she could see the checklist of dinosaurs that were made.  It wrote:
















The so-called Novaraptor intrigued Moira.  The fact that these scientists could make a hybrid filled Moira with so many questions that she wishes she could have asked.

A hand grabbed Moira's shoulder.  It was Jackson, with Marcus.  Jackson's arm had blood-covered bandages, but his cuts were still on his chest.  He pointed to the name of "Tyrannosaurus"

     "That's what I came here for", he said.  "Poaching the most famous dinosaur ever...will make me rich".

Marcus shushed Jackson and pointed his finger to the entrance.  A Carnotaurus was standing by it.  It was snarling, wanting to get it, but couldn't.  Marcus pulled Jackson and Moira away and started sprinting.  Moira turned behind her to see the Carnotaurus pulling its head out of the entrance and running after them from the outside.  When they made  it to the exit though, they stopped dead in their tracks.  A raptor, or now known as a Novaraptor,  from the field was blocking it.  Soon, a portion of the roof gave way, and another carnivore came crashing through.  It was blue with yellow stripes and also had two red crests on its head.  Dilophosaurus.  The Carnotaurus made its entrance clear by bashing through the exit as well.

Moira focused on the Novaraptor.  It circled her, looking for an opening.  Not wasting a second, she fired a bullet into its skull, lodging in the raptor's brain.

Marcus wasn't doing so well with the Dilophosaurus.  The animal gagged before spitting a black ooze at Marcus.  It hit him in the face, and it burned his flesh.  He screamed in fury, and the Dilophosaurus jumped on Marcus.  But it was soon flying off of him.  Jackson was raining hell on the creature, putting plenty of bullets into it with his dual pistols.  He had already dealed with the Carnotaurus by netting it.  He helped Marcus to his feet, while Moira used her last bits of water to get the ooze out of Marcus's eyes.  Jackson turned to the struggling Carnotaurus and assaulted it with his pistols as well.  With all three dinosaurs dead, the people ran out of the lab, leaving the dinos to rot.

  With all three dinosaurs dead, the people ran out of the lab, leaving the dinos to rot

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