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Moira kept moving forward. Her legs hurt like hell, and she was severely dehydrated. Despite this, she kept on walking.
"Joseph! Jackson!" She cried out as loud as she could.
She could faintly hear a voice say "Moira?"
She ran in the direction of the voice, and was pleased to see the two people. They had a few cuts and bruises from the pterosaur attack, but they were otherwise doing well.
"Enough is enough", she said to Jackson. "Marcus is dead, and Angus is missing. Probably dead too. We are going back now". Joseph stood by her as a sign of agreement.
Jackson laughed. "We've been over this. I'm not leaving until I hunt a T-rex."
"Damn you, you stubborn jackass." She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Jackson. "You are taking us back right now-"
She was cut off by a loud hiss and soon, a Dilophosaurus was charging at her. It jumped up, gagged, and vomited the black ooze on Moira. It burnt her flesh, and she couldn't stop herself from falling over and screaming. The animal jumped on her chest and sank its teeth deep into her arm. She shrieked out, then felt the teeth exit her arm. Also the weight of the animal was off her body. Soon, the Dilophosaurus's shrieks became louder than her own. She wiped off the ooze the best she could and stood back up. She turned to her friends, but they were staring up wide-eyed. Moira seemed confused.
Joseph pointed behind her. "Oh, God.."
Jackson seemed more thrilled than scared. "Finally.."
Moira turned around her, and saw what had saved her. It was longer than a school bus, and as tall as a giraffe. It was a crimson red color, as if drenched by blood. The Dilophosaurus struggled weakly to escape its grasp, but soon was sent down the creature's throat. It bulged open as it swallowed the smaller animal. Then it roared at the people. It was the most terrifying sound Moira ever heard.
The Tyrannosaurus was upon them.
Joseph broke into a sprint, and Moira grabbed Jackson's arm and ran as fast as she could. The Tyrannosaurus slowly stomped their way. For an animal this size, it was remarkably fast.
Jackson broke free of Moira's grip, got out his pistols, turned around, and fired at the tyrant king. The bullets did nothing to stop the Tyrannosaurus. It roared and advanced toward Jackson. Soon he was sent running for his life. The Tyrannosaurus leaned down, opening its massive jaws. Jackson, as a last resort, jumped and rolled to the side, as the dinosaur's jaws closed on empty air. He rolled into bushes and started to climb a tree. The Tyrannosaurus watched him. When Jackson reached the top, the Tyrannosaurus could do nothing but roar. Jackson started shooting at the beast again. Realizing it was beat, the Tyrannosaurus slunk off into the woods. Jackson seemed frustrated that he couldn't kill it, but climbed down and sprinted to keep up with his friends.
The three stopped at a giant dome. It was an aviary for the Pteranodons and Tupandactylus. The people examined it and saw a gaping hole on the side. They cautiously entered, and to their relief, no pterosaurs were in there. They decided to stay here for the night. Noticing a tall, thick tree, Joseph and Moira climbed it, while Jackson slept at the bottom of it. Soon tomorrow would come, and the first thing on Moira's mind was to get off this death-trap.
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