Chapter 20

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[A/N]: Hallo. This chapter is dedicated to TellMeAboutIt for making the adorable multimedia! :D Also, I'm finding it increasingly harder to get to where I want. I know my intended ending for this story and series. I just have to get there. Leggoooo.

[Louis' P.O.V]

It had finally come. The day I was excited for, and the day that terrified me. My beebee's first birthday. Of course, everyone was going to join us at our flat for her first birthday. She had no idea what was going on, but she absolutely loved all the attention she was receiving. The moment she was squirming awake between Harry and me, we'd taken her into the kitchen for a breakfast of pancakes. Chris and Zayn showed up a bit earlier than everyone else to bring the cake I'd ordered for Fionna and to help me put up decorations.

Harry had insisted that he could help, but at eight months pregnant, his tummy was massive and he didn't need to exert himself. Fionna apparently wanted to help as well, and she followed me to the best of her ability on her wobbly baby legs. Her walking had greatly improved. She was basically walking entirely on her own, she just fell a lot unless she was clinging to furniture. In order to move faster, she usually just crawled after me.

Dr. Shell called me as I was decorating, asking to speak to Fionna to wish her a happy first birthday. Kepa had managed to get himself stuck over in Spain, and the poor man had to go retrieve his idiot younger brother, "I really do feel bad about missing her first birthday! Hopefully she'll invite me to her second."

"Aren't you her grandfather, or something?" I chuckled, hanging up some streamers as I held my phone to my ear with my shoulder.

"Might as well be," he replied. "But can I talk to her?"

I carefully climbed down from the chair I'd stood on, scanning the room for where Fionna had crawled off to. I found her on the couch with Harry, pulling at Lucy's fur and screeching happily. Harry was smoothing down Fionna's curls as his other hand rested on his large tummy, "Must be nice to Lucy, Feenna. Lucy does not care, I know, but is still good to be nice."

"Maow!" Fionna crowed at Lucy, and Lucy lightly bumped her head against my baby's.

"My Feenna!" I cooed, sitting down next to her carefully and grinning at Harry. "Someone wants to talk to you!"

"My?" Fionna reached for my phone hopefully. She'd recently discovered how entertained she could be by pressing all the buttons or listening to the music the games made.

I flicked it on speaker to accommodate her baby kitten ears, "It's Mr. Lucca!"

"Oooh!" Fionna squealed as if she actually understood.

"Hello, Fionna!" Dr. Shell laughed from the speaker, and Fionna's ears flattened instantly.

"Uh..." she whimpered.

"Happy first birthday!" the man chuckled. "I bet you have no idea what I'm saying."

"No," Fionna giggled, reaching in attempts to bat at my phone.

Harry laughed, "Thank you, Lucca. Feenna says thank you."

"Alright," he finally replied. "See you lads, soon! I probably don't even have to say this, but spoil her rotten on her first birthday."

"Of course!" I crowed, planting a sloppy kiss on Fionna's forehead to make her squeal. "See you later, Lucca."

Fionna reached for my phone again, "Dahey? My?"

"Here beebee," I hummed, hanging up with Lucca and sliding the phone into her lap. Harry lifted his eyebrows at me, and I leaned over Fionna to gently rub at his tummy and press a kiss to his lips. "Make sure she doesn't break my phone?"

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now