Super pt 1

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"Alright then let's begin" dash said as they vanished Amy looked around she couldn't see them they were moving two fast just then Amy was kicked in the stomach by dash "hu I thought you could detect us Amy but I guess not " he said dissapering again Amy stood up but was nocked down again by dan punching her she focused her energy and pictured the world in slow motion she opens them and grabbed dash by the arm and nocked him into dan as they both went through five buildings dash grabbed a Chainsaw and turned it on leaching it at laughing Amy she moved out of the whey before dash could hit her "what's wrong Amy scariest of a little cut hahah" he said with a crazy look "no I just don't want my body cut lim from lim " she said with a smirk just then dan liked her into a store full of diamonds "ooh purity I have to come here sometime " just then a glow came from her pocket she forgot she had all seven chaos emeralds she set them down in a circle around her just then dan crashed through the roof "oh so many good gems but Amy I'm more interested in yours " " sorry dan but Thea's are not for the taking " she said as a light surrounded her and a big explosion happens cream and rouge were worried about her when the light cleared up Amy was floating with a golden aurora around her with sparks contingent out here and there dan backed away in fear "no,no it can't be" " what's wrong brother you can't take me in super are you afraid now that in stronger than you " she flew slowly towards him " or Is it that I'm going to murder you " dan treys to kick her but she easily blocked his kick and threw him through the building Amy's eyes were red and full to the brim with one emotion


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