Chapter 4

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             By the time Ross came back with ice, I managed to pull myself up onto a chair. I massaged my ankle, thinking that would help but it hurt even more.

            “Hey! Hey, you’re going to make it worse. Here. Put this on.” Ross said and put the ice pack on my ankle. I instantly felt relief.

            I looked up. The way he was holding my ankle with the most gentlest of touch, the way his eyes concentrated on me…it was different. I’ve never seen a boy as caring as him before. It hit me that maybe he wasn’t all that bad. I joked to break the tension:

            “Maybe you should be a doctor if the music thing doesn’t work out.”

            He smiled and laughed a little but stayed concentrated on my ankle.

            “Maybe.” He replied.      

            All of a sudden, Ryland came running through the door.

            “Ross, dude, Mom wants you downstairs to-“ he started to say but cut himself off when he saw me.

            “What…happened?” Ryland asked slowly.

            “I was being my clumsy self and tripped over this amp…” I explained.

            Ryland smiled but then reassured me.

            “Oh don’t worry. Nobody is as clumsy as me! I once fell off our balcony and broke my arm. It wasn’t pretty…” he told me and fake winced while clutching his arm.

            I laughed and looked at him. Ross quickly stole a glance between the two of us, then he knit his eyebrows together in frustration. I felt him press more on the ice pack until my ankle hurt a bit.

            “Ow! Ross!” I exclaim.

            “Sorry…” he muttered.

            “Well, um, I’ll just be downstairs then.” Ryland said awkwardly, then left the room.

            I looked back at Ross and was determined to find out what got into him.

            “Why did you do that? He was just trying to be nice!” I said, my tone rising a little.

            “Ryland’s my brother. He shouldn’t be interfering.” Ross said vaguely.

            “With what?” I asked.           

            Ross didn’t reply and helped me up, then quickly changed the subject.

            “I should get you home. Here, put your arm around my neck and I’ll carry you.”

            I obeyed but still wondered what he meant. He couldn’t like me… that’s insane! No guy has liked me in years. While I was thinking about this, Ross picked me up in his strong arms and carried me down the stairs and outside. He grabbed my jacket from the coat closet and draped it over me.

            “Don’t want you getting cold.” He said.

            I just smiled and put my face into his chest. He was warm almost like a fire on a winter’s night or snuggling a teddy bear when I was a kid. It was an amazing feeling that I haven’t felt since my father died. I closed my eyes and began to doze off. Before I did, I saw Ross look down at me and smile as he slowed his pace. Was he enjoying this as much as I was? Soon his voice broke the comforting silence.

            “Here we are. Need any help inside?” Ross asked.

            “No, I should be fine.” I lied. I didn’t want my mom seeing him or she would flip. Boys were a no-no in her house.

            “You sure?” he asked again but in a more concerned tone.

            “I’m sure.” I replied while giving him a smile. He made me feel happy in a way I’ve never felt before.

            “Well, just come over any time you want. Hope your ankle heals soon.” He told me.

            “I’m sure it will with you taking such good care of it.” I tell him and look straight into his deep brown eyes.

            He gave me a shy smile. Since he was so confident, it was funny. I had never seen him look nervous in front of me before but somehow, he did at this moment. He began to walk away to mask his blushing but then I spoke again:

            “Hey, Ross? Thanks.” I say.

            “No problem.” He responds, half turning, giving me a glimpse of one rosy cheek.

            He waits until I get inside and wave at him from the window, then he turns back on the familiar route to his house. I stare after him longingly. I tell myself that I can’t have feelings for him but it is so hard. First the alley, now my ankle. Will I ever stop owing this boy? 

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