2- A "Little" Mischief

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"So it's clear then. We will not marry." Oh how I wished we wouldn't but I knew how upset my father would've been, if I came home without a man. And if Odin was just a little bit like my father, he would never approve.

"I don't think there is a way to avoid it." I told him and pressed my lips into a thin line. This was indeed unavoidable. I couldn't think of a way to stop all this.

"Yes we can. I will talk to fa-"

"And what?" I asked him with a slight, bitter chuckle.

"Your father will have a sudden enlightenment and tell everyone to stop the preparations, bring here the Jane girl and have a big feast of happiness?" I laughed.

"Believe me Thor, I despise the idea of marrying you as much as you do, but you know how ridicolous the chance of stopping this is." And I was right. There was no way of stopping this, no way of stopping my stupid destiny. I mean, who would want a future of an unwanted husband and lies? After a while in silence, Thor cleared his throat, wiping away his dissapointment.

"I might as well show you your new family then." New family?

"Please excuse me. Can we do the introductions tommorrow? I'm quite tired." I said, now back to the manners I was taught as a little girl. The manners a princess was supposed to have, as much as I hated them.

"Of course." Thor muttered before walking out the door. He probably didn't want to do all that as well even though it was his suggestion. Sometimes I just wanted to live in another world, like the ones in the books that I read. They were always so happy there. Even though everything around them was falling apart, they were optimistic. I wished I could've been.

"Goodnight." I whispered into the air before closing my eyes.

The next day I woke up to loud banging on my door. It startled me at first but I knew it was only knocking. Thor perhaps. He was the last person whose face I wanted to see this early, but I didn't want to see any face in the morning at all to be honest. You couldn't consider me a morning person. In fact, I was the complete opposite. I hated mornings.

"Princess Leah, Thor requested your presence in the dungeons." The voice on the other side of the door shouted and knocked again. I didn't know that voice so I guessed it was just a servant. I had other problems though. Why did Thor want to see me? All alone, why in the dungeons? And why this early?

"You can stop knocking, I'm coming." I said when the knocking didn't stop, annoying me. Immediately the noise stopped and I let out a relieved sigh. Silence. Finally.


"What do you want, Thor? I thought you wanted me to meet your family today, not show me which criminals committed the worst crimes." I announced as soon as I stepped foot into the dungeons. I really didn't have the nerves for this.

"You are meeting my family." Thor's booming voice answered from the end of the hall. I didn't bother to ask why exactly I was meeting his family in the dungeon, I just strolled up to him. It was disappointing to see that he was standing alone in front of a cell.

"Thor, listen, I know we should get along but you're kind of... annoying me. " I told him.

"And I have the feeling you find pleasure in fooling me, because I can't see a single-"

"This is Loki, my brother." Thor said, interrupting me, ignoring me completely and pointing to the cell next to him where a man sat on a bed, reading. He didn't care to look up, even though I could sense that he heard everything.

"I'm not your brother." He stated emotionless. His shoulder length, black hair was covering his face and his long, pale fingers changed the page once in a while. I couldn't see a lot of him since he was crouched over the book but I could clearly see that he liked the colour green. At least his attire consisted mostly of the colour green, mixed with black and gold and his blanket was green, too.

"Why is your brother in the dungeons?" I turned to my future husband. His eyes shortly showed some kind of emotion, guilt, sadness. I didn't know.

"He did some unforgettable and unforgivable things." I heard a scoff but decided to ignore it and instead focused on Thor, trying to get to know something out of his facial expressions. I didn't need to though, he told me himself.


"Like trying to subjegate Midgard." My eyebrows shot up. So that's who he was. I already heard stories about him, that was one thing my father never failed me in. Keep me up to date.

"I meant to rule them." His voice said, like he was trying to justify himself.

"You killed thousands of people!" Thor then shouted back.

"Nothing compared to the lives Odin has taken himself! Besides, they were only worthless mortals."

"If this is your point of view of them, then I suggest you change it. Aren't you the clever brother? You should know better than that." I told him, making him glare at me.

"I don't know who you are but 'I suggest' you stop talking to me like that."

"She is my fiancé."

"Oh, is that so?" Loki stood up, walking closer. I gasped innerly when his face was illuminated. He was handsome, but also broken. Don't ask me how I saw that in his face, I just did. Loki's eyes wandered over my body, mustering me like a predator its prey and at the same time with curiosity. It made me uncomfortably shiver.

"What happened to your little mortal? Jane was her name, I think."

"Can we go now, please?" I asked Thor and wrapped my arms around me as if I was cold. He glanced at me, nodded and then gave me his arm.

"Already frightened, love? Of course, I'm the monster..." Loki shot me a smirk as if he was proud of the title given to him.

"But soon I'm also your brother-in-law." With this Thor pulled me with him, out of the dungeons and towards the throne room.

"I'm sorry for my brother's behaviour. I don't know what happened to him, he wasn't always like that."

"I'm sure he was." I agreed, a sudden pity overcoming me. Thor looked so sad.

"Evil isn't born, it's what I always believed since I was little."


An e v i l glance
Left me with no chance
To sing or dance
And put me in a trance

An e v i l glare
Left me there
An e v i l  stare
Left me with no-one to care

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