i prepare for the noble war

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"so mr. walker could I call you Tate?... so Tate these fantasy's started 2 years go, 3 years ago? when?" Mr. Peters the psychiatrist  I was ordered to see asked with his black book on his lap writing notes

"2 years ago" I answered playing with the arm of the chair with my fingers 

"and its always the same, it starts the same way" I added

"how tell me"

I smirked and lifted my head to look him in the eyes "i prepare for the noble war, I'm walking down the hall way, I'm clam, I know the secret, I know whats coming and I know no one can stop me including myself"

"do you target people who are mean to you? unkind" he asked 

Dr. Peters POV

watching Tate talk and the intensity in his eyes like he was in that fantasy right now could truly make a grown man scared. something about him would strike fear into anyone, his mind would be scariest place to be.

"I kill people I like... some of them bed for there life, I don't feel sad... I don't feel anything" he shrugged a  little staring into what seemed to be in his head nowhere 

"its a filthy world we live in, its a filthy god damn helpless world and honestly I feel like I'm helping them, taking them away from the piss and shit and the vomit that run in the streets. helping to take them somewhere clean and somewhere kind" as he talked about the world the tone in his voice turned a little angry and his face with disgust but then it turned into intense as he looked at me again.

"there's something about all that blood man, I drown in it and the Indians believed that blood holds all the bad spirits and once a month they would have ceremony's where they would cut them self to let the bad spirits go free, there's something smart about that very smart I like that" he smiled while talking "then the smile faded and his eyes locked on mine tilting his head forward 

"you think I'm crazy?" 

I raised my eye brows and lifted my head "no" he looked surprised at my answer 

"i think you're creative and i think you have a lot of pain that you aren't dealing with" 

his face turned back to emotionless apart from the look of intensity and insanity 

"my mothers probably worried about me right" 

"I'm sure she is" I nodded a bit 

"she's a cock sucker... I mean literally a cock sucker, she use to suck the guy off next door all the time and my dad found out and he left, he left me alone with a cock sucker... can you imagine how sick is that" he laughed after a short pause 

"Iv heard a lot worse"

his expression froze and he moved his hand on to his knees "cool can you tell me some, I like story's" he said leaning forward smiling 

"no, I cant" I said slightly shaking my head 

he Lent back as the disgusted face came back "the world is a filthy place, its a filthy god damn horror show" he said shaking his head then looked back up at me looking sad his eyebrows furrowed 

"there's so much pain yenno, there's so much"

violet POV 

the screeching sound as I turned the handle of shower watching the water hitting the ground I moved my hand under I turned on the shower waiting for it to get to the perfect temperature I drooped my towel and stepped in quickly feeling the hot pellets of water hitting my face I turned around letting the water hit my back soaking my long dark hair. I quickly started to wash knowing I didn't have much time. 

Once I was done drying I wrapped the towel round me and walked to my closet I grabbed my purple jeans and my darker purple shirt which was tied at the bottom. I then went over to my mirror and curled my hair slightly adding light make up. (picture at side)


My mother yelled I added the last coat of mascara to my eye lashes then put the tube back on my dresser, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. 

"morning sweetie" My mother said acting happy as usual


"would you like some breakfast" 

I smiled shaking my head "no thanks"  "my rides here" I quickly added after hearing the horn of my best friends car out side. 

Once I got in the car seeing my best friend's tess's smiling face made me smile putting on my seat belt the laying back while she drove

"so colton called me last night, he was asking me why you ended it"

I shrugged "I just did he needs to accept it " 

she raised her eyebrows keeping her eyes on the road "why did you end it?" 

"life" I said simply making her face turn to confusion as we parked into the school 

We got out the car and started walking towards the doors, the corridors full of people, talking to there friends or at there lockers. There were convosations happening at every angle. me and tess walked to our lockers that are conveniently close together I opened it and put the books I didn't need into my locker

"dont turn around" tess said instantly making me look over my shoulder to see colton staring at me with his friends next to his locker, I quickly turned back to my locker shutting it. 

"told you" she said in a happy tone 

"lets just get to class you know it all" i laughed linking her arm pulling her with me to class. 


finally it was lunch time I made my way to the dining room, when I got there it was like a jungle. My eye's circled the room trying to find tess finally I saw her waving. I smiled and walked over but when I got closer I noticed there was a boy sat at the table he had black shortish hair. he looked like the boy next door type. 

I sat at the table near tess across from the boy who was giving me all his attention making me feel umcoftable

Tess "this is Dylan he's new, I was told to show him around since im on the schools buddy plan" 

he smiled at me giving me a little wave "hi" 


after a few seconds of silence Dylan spoke "whats your name?" 

"oh yeah I'm violet" I gave him a friendly smile then some caught my attention a boy his hair was short at the sides but not to short and thick at the top with little curls kind of like the 60's bad boy James dean look but a lot more sexy, he was wearing a white t-shirt and a plain blue jacket the typeengineers  wear, his eyes met mine and he was biting his lip which soon turned into a sweet smile.


tess said waving her hand in my face

"oh sorry... do you know who that guy was"

"don't even think about it that's Tate walker" 

the name matched his appearance if that makes sense, it does to me 

"what is he like a tool, bad boy" Dylan said rolling his eyes 

"he's non of that he's insane like really INSANE you can tell that by looking at him and the way he acts, the way he talks"

"damn so he wont be my buddy" Dylan said sarcastically making us laugh  

Tate walker..


please comment and tell me what you think and give me your opinions

should I continue?

what do you think of tate ?

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