Chapter Two

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Third Person POV

Reva wouldn't make it home that evening. Her mother grew frantic calling all! Her daughter's friends. None of them had seen her. Mom and Dad would spend the next three months searching for their beloved child. Never once giving up until the night they received a phone call from Detective Thompson.

Reva POV

I got off the bus, said goodbye to Misty and headed home. If I'd been paying attention instead of thinking about reading my book I would have sensed someone creeping up behind me and shoving a rag soaked in Chloroform over my mouth. I could feel the world going dark and myself getting my lightheaded. From that point until I woke up I have no idea what happened or where I was taken.

Freddy POV

Got her now. I drove to my old work place and hurried to tie her to the mattress. I was gonna have fun with her while she was out but I decided to wait until she woke up. More fun that way. I used my glove to cut away her clothes, she won't be needing them anyway. She is such a beautiful girl. Rounding out in all the right places but still retaining a bit of that girlish baby fat on her thighs and stomach. Reva isn't fat by any means but I do like them with meat on their bones. I found she had a beauty mark on her lower back shaped like a flower of sorts. While I waited for her to wake up, I made a check of the parking lot to be sure no one followed me. Reva was exquisite, I couldn't wait. I locked the only exit and walked quietly to where she lay. Her naked body a beacon for me. I put my hat on the work bench, along with my glove. I wasn't going to mark her just yet. I wanted to get inside her first, I needed to get my fill. I whipped off my sweater, unzipped my pants, careful of my erection. Damn girl made me harder than I've ever been. I kicked off my boots and stripped off the socks and boxers. I buried my nose in her beautiful hair, like wild flowers. Reva was waking up, just in time for the show. I shoved her legs aside and I couldn't help myself, I rammed myself into her soft and warm core. I wasn't ready for the ear splitting scream.

Reva POV

As I regained consciousness, I felt him shove inside me. The pain split me, as he thrusted inside. I screamed in pain only to have him slap me stupid. Stunned and hurting, he continued pushing in me. My body was only doing what it was meant to do. He smirked when I grew wetter. "Good girl. You're so tight!", he grunted out. I only prayed he would finish and just kill me but little did I know he has other plans for me. He pushed a few more times then pulled out with a squelch then released on my stomach. " Damn, girl! I think I'm in heaven. Don't need ya breeding on me.", he chuckled before getting up. I curled in a ball and tried to wipe off his seed. He slapped my butt and threw an old moth eaten blanket on me. "Get some sleep, sugar. I ain't done with you.", Freddy cackled.

From this point on, he had a cuff on my bare ankle and made me wear sweats and a t shirt. I could only walk the length of the chain which was about twenty feet to a small window. I smelled horrible and my insides hurt so much. He only fed me water and saltines and that's when he remembered. I don't know how much time passed but I can only assume more than a month because he beat me when my period came on. Between beatings and raping, he must have thought he broke me. He didn't know me very well. I prayed every night that God would take me from this and strike this animal down. My salvation was coming sooner than I thought.

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