Chapter Three

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Third Person POV

Flyers were made up and passed out to every business in town and even out of town. Reva's Mom walked to every home and knocked on doors searching for her daughter. The last house she got to was his home. Knocking on the door, she was greeted by a blonde haired man with bright blue eyes and a quick smile. "Can I help you?", he asked. A little girl pushed past him. He stopped her by holding her shoulder. " I hope so. I'm looking for this girl. She went missing three months ago. Her name's Reva Calder. She's seventeen.", she showed him the flyer. His daughter, Mom assumed rose on tippy toes to see. "Who's that, Daddy?". " A girl who went missing, sweetie. Why don't you go play with your dolls, okay?", he pushed her gently inside. "Sorry about that. I haven't seen her but I'll keep my eyes open.", he took the flyer she offered. " Thank you. I'm Deanna Calder and you are?", she held out her hand. "Fred Krueger. I sure hope you find her.", he hid the panic in his voice. Deanna wandered off back the other way. Picking up the phone he dialed the babysitter, Ms. Weller. " I know this is short notice but can you watch Katherine for a couple of hours? Something came up and it needs my attention. ", fortunately she accepted claiming the girl was a sweetheart and no problem. " Katherine! Put your shoes on, honey. Daddy's got to go to work. I'm dropping you off at Ms. Weller's. ", he called. " Remember what we talked about. Mommy left us, right? That's all anybody needs to know. I'll be back soon.", he walked her up to his neighbor's house and made sure she was safe before driving off.

Fred POV

After some quick thinking, I decided to get Reva come back here get my baby girl then we were gonna split town. Reva, if I could break her would make a decent replacement for Loretta. Katherine would love her like she did her own mother. I drove as quickly but within reason to the power plant. I unlocked the door, keeping it open thinking of a quick getaway. Reva was hunched in a corner starting into space. "Stand up, sugar. I'm moving you outta here.", I knelt down to unlock the cuffs. The next thing I know, she kicked me in the face and then in the balls. The pain from both kicks blinded me to the next outcome. I could feel my anger rising.

Reva POV

With him kneeling, I took the opportunity to kick his face and then in the nuts. I'd already stole the watch he wore, having hid it in a crack in the floor. I grabbed it then ran out the door and into the dense wooded area behind the building. Running barefoot is not something I'd recommend, when you're in the woods. Broken twigs, dried leaves and roots battered my feet. I didn't stop until I reached a gas station. The female clerk was about to close up when she saw me emerge from the woods. Bruises and cut covered my face and body, everything hurt but I had to keep going. She caught me before I fell onto the cold tile floor. " You're Reva, aren't you?", she asked guiding me to her office. I nodded trying to catch my breath. She sat me down in her office chair and picked up the phone. " Is Detective Thompson available? No, I won't wait! This is an emergency! Reva Calder just showed up at the gas station. This is Sara Clemens.", she hung up and fetched a bottle of cold water for me. I thanked her. Sara smiled but it turned to a frown with a pair of headlights shined through the front windows. Going to the outer store area, she rushed back in. " What's wrong?", I asked. "Some jackass in a Christmas sweater is peering in. Is that the man who took you?", Sara asked pulling out her revolver.

" Does he have a brown hat and a white van?", I could feel myself shaking now. "Yeah. Do you know his name?". " Fred Krueger. He was the janitor at my school.", I twisted his watch on my wrist. Detective Thompson and two patrol cars came screeching to a halt before one took off after his van. Thompson banged on the doors before Sara let him in. He called for an ambulance as well. Kneeling down, he looked into my pale face,"Thank God you're safe. How'd you get away?", he asked. I relayed my story and waited for him to say something. "Good girl. Do you feel like answering questions or do you want to wait? One of my patrol cars is chasing the bastard down now.", he said. My heart leaped for sheer relief when he said that.

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