Name: Arora Linest
Age: depends
Birthday: December 24
Eyes: such a dark blue that they look black at first glance
Hair: pure white. Super curly and to small of back. Almost always braided.
Clothes: long navy skirt ripped up left side where ninja pack rests on thigh. Grey medical wrap on chest and over shoulder, matching wrap on left forearm and left leg. Across waist is a charm belt and multiple strings of charms as well as ninja band. Barefoot.
Triats: bitchy, sarcastic, anti social, depressed kinda look and aura. Agressive. Aruges A LOT.
Likes: night, woods, being alone, winter,cold, snow, music, art.
Dislikes:the sun, people, crowded places, loud places, leaving home.
Story: in ancient times the prince of kingdom wanted to rule he was the youngest however ,therefore he wouldn't be able to but that all changed when he called a lurker for help the lurker said, "I will help you rule but you will be cursed this curse will cause you to not be able to read or write and you won't be able to sleep without a nightmare. Painful marks will appear on your body every night spreading from the curse mark that will be in between your shoulders,now, you may be thinking this curse can't help but it can this curse gives the person edomic. Lurkers speak Sculix which is what edomic is written and spoken in. Edomic is the use of the four elements. Only natural things,but it also uses basic magic like turning things in the glass teleporting things other stuff like that, edomic also uses potions and charms therefore the study of alchemy and enchanting will be useful to you" the prince agreed to this. The prince married and ruled the castle with his wife as time progressed the curse moved to be every other generation more common in males than in females it was discovered that the curse often would cause blindness as the victim aged on.
However, Arora was born and given this curse, since she was the youngest of her family. Unlike the others, she wasn't born with vision and to age a lose it. She was born with out vision to age and gain it. She was rasied by her parents and grandparents as well as her older twin sister. Her mother started a cilival war in their small village so that the cursed people of the village had more rights. This angered her father to his edge, he proceeded to kill the twins mother and attempt to kill the twins. He managed to kill the mother but not the twins he escaped the village as the cilival war died down. The twins where then raised by their grandparents until they passed away. The twins lived on their own from there on. They lived together but fought constantly. This made Arora decide to move into the closest village which is the village of the leaf.Ect: she lives alone deep in the woods inside of a tree house. She fights with swords and basic tools, mainly uses edomic.
Extra curse things: the curse causes the holders eyes to glow while useing edomic. The first and most common color is blue. Happens easily and sometimes out of anger. The second, and less common is black. Purely out of frustration, anger, and useing edomic. The third and final color, which is also nearly impossible for the eyes to glow, is lurker red. Luker red is when edomic is used to the full extent. When the eyes glow this way the markings will also force their way onto the skin and cover all of it aswell as causing a burning pain under markings. The reason why glowing red is so rare is because the curse keeps the victim unable to turn into a luker. So when the eyes glow red they strain on the curse and sometimes let the victim turn into a luker.
Lukers are dragon like creatures that feed off of nightmares and pain. They are completely black with no gender fluid parts. They dont cast a shadow and dont reflect light. Lukers are horrible creatures, they enjoy hurting people and toying with them. They are covered in markings which mainly cover their large wings. Lurkers are also called ''Terviorians'' but perfer to be called "Lurkers" because they lurk into people dreams. Lurkers like to make deals because they like to blackmail. How they make deals is say they will help. They do anything to get a deal. Their deal consists of doing as the person needs then giving them the curse and pass down through the family. The curse is called, "The Ravens Curse"
One reason why its so hard to kill lurkers is because they make no noise and move when youre not looking, another reason you cant kill them is because they arent alive in the first place. They fight with swords made of their black, mercury based blood. The swords chime when they make contact with anything. The fight fluently, as if the fight to music.

Oc Stories And Traits
FantasyOcs for: Soul Eater Naruto Creepypasta HxH And many many others, even random characters ive made for random short stories