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Name: Kio
(Which she gave herself because she can't remember her real name)

Age: depends

Height: 5' 4"

Hair: long, wavy, red, messy

Skin: pale a f

Birthday: unknown

Eyes: pale grayish green

Exc: lil fangs and elf ears and a birth mark on forehead that looks like a upside-down triangle

Likes: the woods, playing her flute, the night, rain, storms, being alone, peace and quite, singing to herself

Dislikes: dresses, heat, summer, sunburns, having to wear hair in braids, spicy foods, super sweet foods

Story: In all truth, she doesn't know her family. When she was about five her family was getting ready to get onto a boat to go help heal another clan and she got lost in the woods. She raised herself from there on, teaching herself how to fight with a staff and bow. Foraging through life she continued to grow until and elderly couple took her in and recivilized her, researching her how to talk and read. From then on she learned about hunters and wanted to be one, to help the elderly couple in return for their love and time, which is why she set out to become a hunter. Using her natural skill of a healer and manipulation of the human mind and body, she made it through.

What she can do: healing, mind and body manipulation, useing earth as her weapon, archery (<deadly a f 😨)

Clothes: forest color light armors and small sharp weapons on belt around waist, carries bow and arrows at all times, summons staff if nessacary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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