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:DDDD  Ello reader~chan I got tagged by @rainyruba aaawwwww, thank you!

1) What is your favorite ship?
#Katemau :3

2) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A. Graphic designer
B. Something in the music business
C. Ecologist and Biologist

3) How is life?
Aside from school projects and writers block, pretty good, thanks

4) Favorite Animal?
Hmm... Tough one... probably wolf or tiger

5) Favorite song?
*Blue Bird - Naruto (no, sorry I don't watch Naruto, I just happened to find the song separately)
* Soldier - Nitrofun
*For River - To The Moon soundtrack

6) Favorite singer or band
*Nightcore and electronic anything
*Kan Gao
*Toby Fox
*Monster Cat
(Sorry >.< I'm not good with picking favorites!)

7) If your hair could be one color what would it be?
PURPLE! All purple, just all of it.

8) Favorite YOUTUBERS?
(These are not in any particular order)
*Seri! Pixel Biologist
* Markiplier
*Office Antics

9) Do you watch anime?

10) Do you play Minecraft?
Since 2011, baby!, I think...

11) Have you ever been camping?
Come to think of it, no actually

12) How much do you like Wattpad?
I couldn't tell you x100,000 + 1,000,000,000 = very, so, yes, totally, awesome, cool, nice, duh, much, SOOOO much

13) What do you think of other Wattpaders?

Other Wattpaders are amazing! Keep on keeping on and just keep swimming! So much creativity in one spot is incredible! I love Wattpad and Wattpaders so keep being weird, majestic unicorns and be yourself! Express your creativity by continuing to write and help others by doing this. That's all my life quotes for today :P

I'm tagging you!:
(Answer the same questions and tag whoever you want, no tag amount limit)


Thank you for waiting for my next chapter for so long. I had severe writers block and I had like five God-dang projects all at the same time with some tests here and there!

Stay Krispy My Babies!



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