Chapter. 1.

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Fear. That was all that was running through my mind at the very moment the zombie struck at my younger sister. "Callie!!!" I shrieked as I watched her being eaten alive by the overpowering creature.

  I shot up from my soft leaf bed, beads of sweat leaking throughout my entire body. Another nightmare. My name is Hadley, I am 18 years young, I have hazel eyes and brown wavy hair. There's nothing normal about my life, to any soul that roamed this earth. It all started on the 3rd day of January, 2013....


I trudged out of my room, too tired for anything. "Morning, Hads." Callie sighed as she took in a bite of cereal. I waved my soft hand at her and got out my bowl and poured the cereal. "AAAAGHH!!!!!!" I heard my mom cry from upstairs, causing me to drop the bowl that was in my hand. "Mom??!!" Callie called nervous. "Stay here..." I whispered, gesturing her to go under the table. I grabbed a knife off of the rack they where hanging onto. My shaky palm tightened as I slowly made my way upstairs. I tapped my parents bedroom door open where there was rustling and movement coming from. "Mom?" I whisper yelled. "Urrghh." I heard my dad's raspy morning voice groan. I stalked into the bedroom as carefully as I could. I heard something smash from their bathroom. I peeked my head around the corner to see a horrifying sight. My mothers throat ripped open by what looks like teeth, blood everywhere. No movement coming from her frail body, a tear slowly falling down my cheek at the terror infront of me. "BLLAARRDGGGGHH!!" Someone called out from behind me. I spun around to see my father, looking green and gross. His eyes where sunk into his skull, his jaw hanging low, and bony infection sticking out of his body. I brought the knife up to protect myself from the beast infront of me. I heard a squishing noise, and the knife dropped out of my hands. I opened my eyes to see both lifeless bodies laying before me. I broke down in tears, realizing that I had lost the 2 most important people in my life... I slowly made my way back down the stairs, finding a nervous Callie, standing there impatient. "W-well??" She cried out. I couldn't speak. The terrible image in my mind stuck there like a wad of gum. A gurgling came from my stomach, I ran towards the sink and threw up everywhere, the thoughts still draining inside of my mind. This could not be happening. I HAVE to be dreaming!!!! I stood up from being hunched over and turned to Callie. "I'm so s-sorry..." I whimpered, a tear gliding down my cheek. This. Could. Not. Be. Happening. I pulled Callie into a hug, not wanting to lose her either. "What's wrong?" Callie questioned. I explained what happened up stairs and she slowly started to cry. Only 11 years old and already orphaned... I couldn't contain my emotions. I let everything fall out as Callie and I clung to each other in disbelief. What happened to my dad? Why was he eating my mom's flesh? Oh god... This CAN NOT HAPPEN!! A zombie????

  I turned on the T.V and sat down with Callie in my room, keeping my door locked just in case. I was on the phone with the ambulance and police while Callie was watching the T.V. "Anything?" I asked Callie as the operator dialled in the station. "There's this random outburst of sickness where dad works, and it's causing them to go all cannibal... I'm scared, Hadley... They're saying it's contagious, and whoever gets bit starts to d-" BAM BAM BAM!!!!! A loud sound came from upstairs. "The cops!!" I cried out thankfully!! Callie and I both shot up and ran upstairs. Callie went into her room to pack some important things, just in case. I sprinted over to the door and opened it as fast as I could, "Hello Ma'am we are here to find the "zombies"." One of the police officers said sternly. "HAAADLYYY!!!!!" Callie shrieked from up stairs. I bolted up the stairs to see my sister struggling out of my mothers grip. NO!! CALLIE WAS BEING ATTACKED!!! "Callie!!!" I shrieked as I watched my sister being eaten alive by the over powering creature.

It's been 1 year since the horrible stint. Callie is dead, my entire family and friends are dead. The world is dead. There's only me and a few animals as well as plants left. I've taught myself not to be afraid of these terrible creatures I call: Stalkers. That's basically all they do... Stalk and eat what they can scrounge up. Now, my only job is to live life while I can...


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