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This story is dedicated to RainbowMustache22 for leaving it in the comments a long time ago. I'm sorry I just now saw it .

"YAY! I HAVE A SCARY STORY! Actually, I don't know if you'd call this scary, but it scared me when it happened. Oh yeah, so this actually happened. to me. like two minutes ago.
Ok, so we had just put my dog on her leash, and put her outside to use the bathroom. It was dark out. So I went to let her in, but she wouldn't come to the door. So I called her name. She came running, but she stopped in front of the steps. I called her name again, and it looked like she stood up on her hind legs. I thought nothing of this, because, well, she's a dog. But she stood like that for longer then it seemed possible. i screamed and slammed the door when I realized it wasn't my dog. I refused to open the door after that and my mom had to go let her in. My Oma (grandma) said my dog was barking at something while she was outside. I still don't know if it was my dog or something else that I had seen."

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