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Mani: Uhm hello

Aug: Come get me out of here

Mani: What did you do

Aug: You called them on me now I'm here so stop acting slow

Mani: August I didn't call them -


Aug: I'm pissed right now and they will not let my security get me out come and get me matter fact if you don't care I'll call-

Mani: August stop with your bs I'm on my way

Me: Yeah

She hung up and I sighed


This nigga is in jail ! Omfg

I locked up the house and Genesis was coming up to the door

Me: Move !

She stood in front of me

Gen: You look like your in a rush , oh yeah August is in jail sorry for calling


Gen: Yeah I reported it to save your ass

I pushed her to the ground and bent down to her

Me: I'll fuck you up and your bitch ass know it , I advise you to stop trying me and my mf man

I got in the car and called my security telling them to get her off of my lawn

Hours later

Me: Baby ?

He looked at me and tiredly stood up

Aug: Why you fucked me over like this

Me: I didn't do it Aug Genesis did

Aug: How will she even know

I pointed at the almost gone bruise

Police: Here you go *hands me some papers* , don't see how you deal with him he talks nonstop

Aug: Not true babygirl

I stayed serious the whole time and we left

At his hotel

Me: Yeah I'm gonna head home

Aug: In the morning?

Me: Now

Aug: Baby no you look hella tired I'm not letting you leave

Me: Shut up , you didn't perform did you ?

Aug: Nope I will tomorrow tho

I gave her one of my shirts and boxers so she can shower

Next day

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