Chapter 3

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*Jeff’s Point of View.*

“Stupid bitch,” I grunted as I pulled out the knife out of the girl’s chest. Blood squirted out of there like a fountain, something I clearly enjoyed watching after I killed my victims. I was just finishing killing a family of four, but it took longer than I expected because they put a hard fight to save their lives, especially the teenaged girl. She thought hitting my head with a vase would bring me down. Ha, as if. It got me angrier than before. And I laughed as she struggled to open the door. I quickly made my way towards her, grabbed her around the neck with my arm, and whispered in her ear, “Shh. Go to sleep.” Before I slit her throat.

I plopped down on her bed, leaning against the wall. I looked down at the girl. Her throat kept having blood coming out, her eyes were wide open, and so was her mouth. She was lifeless, and knowing that she was dead, made me sane again. My craving for killing was gone now, and I became sane. But I knew it wouldn’t last long. It’d always come back. I looked down at the girl again, and memories of what I’ve done to my family filled my head like someone was fast forwarding it. The looks of my parent’s faces as I came in, and the worst, the look of Liu’s face as I raised my knife to stab him. I didn’t even know I killed him, after I visited my old home again, and saw the decaying bodies of my family. No one in the neighborhood seemed to bother to move them. Everything looked the same, except there were spider webs everywhere, and bugs crawling around.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I quickly shot up, pulling my knife out of my sweater’s pocket. I looked around for the noise, until I saw a small, blue alarm clock. It read 7:30 am. It was way past my hunting curfew.  Fuck!  I thought as I threw my hoodie over my head, and jumped out the window. How could I be so careless? With blood splattered on my hoodie, and bloody hands, the neighbors would find me suspicious. I began to sprint towards the woods. The easiest way to get there was through the backyard of the last house on the block.

I jumped over the fence, making sure I didn’t make any noises. I landed on the other side with a grunt, and began to walk towards main house. The house in the woods, sounds like a horror movie doesn’t it? I felt like little rain drops, and I looked up, only to find that it was drizzling. It was a bit dark in the forest, but it wasn’t dark that I couldn’t see where I was going. I was about to head deep towards the woods, when I heard a loud shriek.

“You bitch!” Someone yelled, a girl in particular. “Look at what you’ve done!” I looked towards the forest, and then towards the way the voice came from. I sigh, curiosity got the better of me, and I walked towards the way of the voice. During my way there, I saw a black ratty school backpack, a very old and chipped black IPod, and an umbrella. How odd. I thought as I stared at it while I was walking. Why would someone just dump their shit on here?

Shaking my head, I kept walking, and before I knew it, I saw the view of the park. Surprisingly, there were people in it. People usually don’t come here, they said they ‘felt’ something around it. It wasn’t much, but the scene wasn’t good. There was a girl with long blonde hair, sitting on the ground. She looked pissed as hell. There were pieces of paper flying around, or what looked like paper flying around.

“You slutty piece of shit!” Another girl yelled. My eyes shifted towards the brunette one, who was stomping her way towards her. It looked like it was about to get nasty. I smirked, and leaned against the tree. I, myself, did enjoy a good fight. But as every other good things ends, the fight didn’t even happen. A boy, way taller than both of the girls, stepped in, and held the brunette girl in his arms. She was struggling under his grip, trying her best to hit the blonde girl. “Let go of me!” She shouted.

“Let go of her you dipshit.” I whispered. “You’re ruining a good cat fight.”

But after the boy said something to her, the girl stopped struggling. I rolled my eyes. Thanks a bunch asshole. You gave the idiot sense to stop fighting. I was about to walk away, when I noticed something glisten in the corner of my eyes. I bent down to pick it up. It was a picture that was clearly ripped, but the picture contained of a little girl, whose tongue was out, and eyes were crossed. I looked closer. “Well shit.” I whispered, so that way those idiots wouldn’t hear me. “Well ya look at that.” The little girl’s eyes were two different colors. One was blue, and one was green, something that I’ve never seen in my entire life.

Smile for me *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now