Chapter 14

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A few days passed by, and Spencer called here and there when he wasn't busy. I went down to the station and hung out with Garcia a few times. I was just bored, I definitely needed to get out and make more friends for times like this. It was now Friday night, and I was at work. It was only 10:15 so I had a while to go. My phone rang in my pocket and I grinned, thinking it was Spencer. It was my mother. She usually doesn't call this late.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi honey." My mom greeted me. She sounded upset over something. "Are you busy?"

"No, I'm at work but there's nothing to do." I said. "Is everything okay?"

"Well, yes and no." She started. "Your father has been having migraines again, and we went to the hospital and they found a tumor. It's just behind his frontal lobe and they can't get it out without him..." She trailed off, and I knew what she was going to say. I was struck into silence, not knowing how to take it. "They said it's going to spread at some point and eventually it'll start to affect his memory, speech, movement, everything." She sniffled. She tried to muffle a sob.

I took a deep breath to keep my composure. "Where's dad now?" I asked.

"Sleeping." She said. "That's why I called so late, I wanted to wait for him to go to bed."

"Okay." I said. "Here's the deal, I get off work tonight and I don't work till Tuesday. I'm going to come down there to see you guys before anything happens to dad. Have you called Melanie?"

"That's fine honey. Yes, I called her a few minutes ago. She said she'd be here in a few hours."

"Okay momma." I said. "I love you. I'll see you when I get there." She said she loved me too and hung up. I walked to the restroom and leaned against the sink, letting my emotions get the best of me. I cried for a good 20 minutes before slowing down. My makeup had run everywhere and I decided I needed to call Spencer.

"Hello?" He picked up, and I could hear the sleep drenching his voice.

"Shit, you're sleeping." I said. "Sorry Spence." I sniffled.

"It's okay." He sounded alert. "What's wrong, are you okay?" He asked quickly.

"Not really." I held back a few tears. "My mom just called. My dad has a terminal brain tumor. I'm going down to Kansas when I get off work and staying till Tuesday when I work next."

"Baby I'm sorry." Spencer said. "Do you need me to come home early? We solved the case a few hours ago and we're leaving in the morning."

"No," I said. "It's okay."

"I'll fly down there when I get back." He said, determined to help me.

"Spence, it's fine." I said. "You've taken way too much time off in the last few months for me."

"Hotch doesn't mind." He said. "He wants me to be there for you because of what happened with Hayley. He's big on putting family first now."

"Fine." I said. "Just call when you get there."

"Okay." He said. "Let me know you got there safe. I love you baby girl." I let out a quick sob as soft as possible, not being able to hold it back. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Please don't cry. I'm here for you if you need anything okay?"

"Okay. I love you too. Bye." I hung up and cried some more before going out to finish my shift. I got online and bought airplane tickets for Spencer and I both. I texted him to tell him I covered his and Andrew came up to me, leaning on a filing cabinet.

"Hey there," he said. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Allergies."

"Oh, gotcha. We have some meds in the break room if you want them." He said. I shook my head and he said okay and walked away. My shift dragged on, but when it finished at 6, I went home, packed and left for my 8 am flight.

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