Chapter 10

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Still Spencer's POV

It turned out to be Morgan, trying to help me up.

"Come on kid," he said, and pulled me up, giving me a hug. I didn't react. I just stood there and cried for what felt like ages until the doctors came out again.

"She's stable. No visitors until she wakes up though, we can't have that happening again."

I turned around. "What happened, exactly?"

"There was an undetected infection in one of her wounds that spread to a nerve and caused a seizure." He said.

"So you couldn't find a damn infection and it caused a seizure?" Morgan asked.

"Morgan." Hotch warned.

"These things happen, sir. Please calm down. If you have any questions, ask Nurse Palmer." He walked away and I sat in a chair.

Hotch came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Do you need anything Spencer?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I just need her to wake up." I said. He patted my shoulder and walked away.

Then came Rossi. "Kid, why don't you go get some sleep and we'll call you if she wakes up?" I looked up at him.

"All due respect but do you really think I can sleep knowing she's like this?" I asked. "Thanks for the thought Rossi, but I can't even think straight." I figured he would just dismiss himself, but he sat next to me instead.

"Reid, you need to trust her." He said. "She'll wake when she's ready. She's been tortured for 2 days straight without sleeping, eating or drinking. She needs time." I nodded. I could feel more tears coming, so I just excused myself to the restroom. I looked in the mirror and I looked awful. I had bags under my eyes that would make her tell me to take a nap, tear stains that would make her tell me that it was okay, and colorless eyes that would make her tell me a joke to lighten my mood. But I knew she couldn't tell me these things. She couldn't be here for me this time, I had to be there for her.

Madison's POV

I woke up in a stark white room with the worst dry throat and headache I'd ever had. I wonder who was out in that waiting room. Spencer, indefinitely, he'd probably not slept or anything this entire time. Poor thing. I pressed the call button for a nurse and a friendly look lady came in.

"Hey there sweetheart, how you feelin?" She asked.

"Fine. Can I have some water?" I sounded like a frog.

She nodded and came out of the bathroom with a cup of water. "How's your pain? Sharp, dull, none, a lot?"

I shrugged. "My head hurts, my wrist aches a little and my entire midsection feels like it's been carved to ribbons. Can I see my clipboard?"

She nodded and handed it to me. 2 stab wounds, one in the thigh and one in the side. A bullet wound, in my left upper quadrant. A snapped wrist. Mild lacerations due to chains. My eyes watered as the memories came flooding in, one by one. I held back tears for the time being. "Can I see Spencer?" She nodded and walked out of the room.

Spencer's POV

A nurse came strolling out of her room.

"Which one of you is Spencer?" She asked.

"That's me." I answered.

"She's asking for you." She said. I jumped up, eager to see her. "Be gentle, she's still a little shaken." I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I walked in to see her staring at her clipboard like it was a foreign language. "Hey." I said gently. "Hey? That's all you can say to your girlfriend that just almost died?" I thought.

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