Chapter Thirty Three

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Mike looked bleakly around the small apartment he had called home for the last few months. He had tossed most of his clothes and personal items into his backpack but he would have to send for the rest later. Presuming he wasn't in jail. 

He ran his hands over his face. He still couldn't understand what Dane and Ryan had been thinking. They knew how much his job meant to him, he had told them things, personal things he had never told anyone else. Had they thought that losing his position would make him more dependent on them? 

A soft ping from outside his door interrupted his black thoughts. For a second his heart leapt, maybe it was Dane, or Ryan, coming to tell him it was all a huge mistake. But a quick look showed him the ID belonged to TeeJay Marte. He'd forgotten all about the fact that she had arranged to meet him here this morning. They were supposed to be going up in the Rover, to check out the dome. As soon as they had the information and co-ordinates from the engineers on Oriell. 

Well, that wasn't going to be happening now. He was on his way down to Kapunda on the next shuttle, Dane and TeeJay would just have to manage by themselves. He was sure they'd be fine. 

He went to the door, ready to send TeeJay on her way. 

She jumped in first, her face tense with suppressed excitement. "Have you heard? They've found the bomb!" 

Hastily he ushered her inside, out of earshot of any passersby. TeeJay was still talking, her hands waving enthusiastically. " Well, not the actual bomb, but the engineers say they've pinpointed the only two places someone could place one and be certain it would do damage. The Patrol just called Ser Keating. We should get up there and check them both out immediately. How soon can you be ready to go?" 

"I can't go," Mike told her flatly. "I've been recalled to Kapunda." 

"But that's crazy!" she said. "We need you here. You're the only one with experience working outside a space ship." 

"What about you? Haven't you worked in a suit outside, getting to the mines?" 

Teejay scratched her neck nervously, thinking of the daily walk she took across the surface of Asra to the mine site. "Well yeah, I suppose. I guess that would be pretty similar to climbing around on the dome?" 

Mike bit the inside of his cheek. He knew it wasn't the same thing at all. 

"Couldn't the Patrol delay your orders until we sort this out?"  

"I'm afraid not." He knew he sounded inflexible but he didn't want to tell her it was disciplinary action. The gossip would get round soon enough as it was. 

Teejay smiled bravely. "Oh, well I'm sure Dane and I will manage." She turned to leave. "I'm sorry you're going, you'll be missed." She closed the door gently behind herself. 

Oliver stood there for several minutes staring blankly at the door. He tried to tell himself it was all their own fault, but that sounded pathetic, even to him. Frightening images of TeeJay being swept off into space and Dane risking his life to follow her, rose before his eyes. He could already visualise Ryan's wounded gaze.  

What was he thinking? His career was already down the toilet, a few more hours could hardly make things any worse. He grabbed his utility belt and strode after her. 


The last person Dane and Ryan expected to see with TeeJay was Mike Oliver. He nodded stiffly at them, his expression closed.  

"I assume you've heard from Ser Keating. Are you still prepared to take us up?" he asked Dane. 

As much as Dane wanted to walk away, he knew this job was too important. If they could find the actual bomb, Mike and TeeJay might have a chance of destroying or at least defusing it. 

"I'm ready," he answered coolly. 

Ryan looked from one tense, tight face to the other. "When you get back, we have to talk," he said firmly. 

"I don't think there's anything more to say," Mike refused, looking at a spot just over his head. 

Ryan felt scared and angry. "I don't want you two going out there like that! Your lives are going to depend on each other, for god's sake!" 

TeeJay looked from one to the other, keeping quiet. What was going on here? 

"You needn't worry. I don't let personal feelings get in the way of my job," declared Mike. 

"Of course not! Heaven forbid!" muttered Dane under his breath. 

"Are we ready to go then? Have we got the co-ordinates from the Patrol?" asked Mike, ignoring Dane's comment. "Spacesuits?" 

"We're all set," interrupted the other man, "Just waiting for TeeJay, and you." 

"Let's go then," said Mike, heading towards the door. 

Ryan couldn't stand this any longer, the hostility between the two men he loved was almost tangible. 

"Dane spoke to Captain Takamoto," he said in a loud voice, just as Mike went out. "Who did you think he spoke to?" 

Mike stopped in his tracks. "Captain Takamoto? But ..." 

"We haven't got time for that now," said Dane roughly, glaring at Ryan. How dare he try and placate the other man? "We've got something more important to do." 

"We'll talk when we get back," Mike promised, meeting Ryan's eyes. 

"Only if I get to fuck you first," muttered Dane. 

TeeJay thought she must have misheard. 


Despite what ever else he thought about him, Mike had to admit Dane Trenwith was an excellent pilot. He kept the shuttle closer to the surface of the dome than he would have thought possible, keeping it steady despite the buffetting winds. 

TeeJay had spread out the items she thought she might need so that everything was close at hand. If the dome was breached, the chances were they would have only moments to act. 

"I'll have a tether attached to me," Mike told her, checking that Dane was listening as well. "If I need anything from the shuttle, you'll be able to send it to me immediately via the tether, there shouldn't be any need for you to come out onto the dome." 

"Understood." She hunted quickly though her supplies. "I suggest you take this one with you, it's liquid plasfoam. It's the most adaptable piece of my equipment. You can use it if the bomb detonates or even if it doesn't, chances are it will contain enough of the blast to stop penetration of the dome's surface." She handed him a large canister. "Take the biggest one you can manage." 

"We're approaching the first of the two possible locations," Dane announced. "I'll fly over it and see if the scanner picks up anything that shouldn't be there." 

TeeJay peered over his shoulder at the screen as Mike climbed into his spacesuit, adjusting it so that he could fit the canister into the carry compartment. 

"It that something? There, top right," queried TeeJay urgently. Dane studied the readings on the screen, "No. No ... I think that's part of the structure. I'll circle round one more time."

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