chapter 11

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Doctor: amy is dead I'm sorry (not the answer u were expecting huh well no worries cause something else is gonna happen....just wait)

Everyone: *gasps and has tears in eyes*

Girls except cream: *let them out*

Guys except sonic: *hold them in*

Cream: *cries and sobs loudly and tails hugs her*

Sonics thoughts:

No she can't be......gone no i won't believe it!

Sonic: *tears fall out and dashed into the room amy is in and grabs her body*

Doctors: *come in* hey sir your not suppose to be in here were gonna have to ask u to get out

Sonic: NO! If I get out I'm taking amy with me!

So the doctors try pulling sonic away from amy and sonic fights them of a bit not physically but mentally with words and sonic won the battle and left the hospital holding and taking amy with him.

Wow soo.....dramatic or complicated don't u think. Ok ur probably mad cause one I did not update all my ideas, only because I did not have any ideas for any of my stories but I had an idea for this story, and two I didn't say the answer u hoped for no worries I was gonna say amy was alive just to kinda finish the story already but that was the answer almost all of u expected so I said amy was dead BUT no worries it won't stay sad forever I kinda got this idea from a story in read i forgot wat it was called though but the idea I'm gonna put in the next chapter came from that story and trust me your gonna love it! Anyways see you next time my roses and hedgehogs ;) - SonamyFanLover

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