Chapter Nine

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I wake to the sound of Vivienne's soft snoring while she nestled her face into my chest. Her small body was warm as it presses close to mine. I know I have to get up, but all I want it to watch her in amazement. Sighing quietly in disappointment, I drag myself away and force myself to dress.

Azazel had a lot of balls coming to the funeral. He had to mention the prophecy to Vivienne, a prophecy I had been ignoring because I refused to let Vivienne even consider anyone else. She was mine from day one, end of story. Then, I had to listen to him call her death a test for him. What part of his fucked up mind thought it was okay to murder her? She was already meant to die! He wasn't going to have her; I wouldn't allow it. I was still going to destroy him; I had to. It was his doing that raised thousands of demons from Oblivion, and he murdered Vivienne out of pleasure. Why he was an option for Vivienne's eternal mate in the first place; it's just disgusting and wrong.

Then there's Tobias, the good son. He hasn't bothered to come see Vivienne nor has he even said a word regarding his intentions. No, he's still living in luxury somewhere in Italy. Tobias doesn't care about humans, or Reapers. He's been sent from Arcadia to help me with the demons, and yet he doesn't give a fuck about it.

Last night, I was so happy to hear that Vivienne wanted to be with me. I wish I can live that moment over again, and I wouldn't mind seeing her naked body again either. However, I'm not going to rush into it with her. Besides just saying that she wanted me doesn't make her officially my mate. It was, it is, much more complicated than that.

She has to allow me to put a mark on her soul, which will confirm her as my mate for the rest of time. I can't do that until we make love, and I'm not sure that she truly wants that yet. She also needs to detach herself from both Tobias and Azazel. When she died, we all knew she'd be picking between the three of us. Yeah, the Divine picked for her to be my mate but Tobias and Azazel also have the opportunity to claim her. If she were to let one of them put a mark on her soul, there will be no other chance for me to get a mate.

Azazel may have had her physically when she was alive, but he couldn't claim her soul. It had to be her choice. And I am fucking horrified that she might change her mind. She doesn't realize that if she were to choose Azazel, she'd give him the power to bring on the Apocalypse. If she were to choose Tobias, she'd be giving him the power to destroy me and become the new Death. She may think she wants me now, but I don't think she realizes her decision will bring war to the supernatural world. I know I am the least catastrophic choice. I've been an eternity alone; just the thought of spending another decade in loneliness makes me entire being ache.

I walk out of my bathroom to find her stretching her arms out and yawning. This brings a small smile to my face as I sneak up behind her and plant a kiss on top of her head.

She giggles, "Good morning Grimm."

"Yes, it is a good morning. Do you realize how beautiful you are when you sleep?"

She blushes, "No, I don't."

I move in front of her and my gaze wanders into the depths of her gorgeous violet eyes. Her blush filled her cheeks as her lips part slightly in surprise. She shifts in her sitting position, her fingers tugging at the bed sheets. I know that I am making her nervous by staring. I am feeling a little nervous at the moment too. We both wanted the same thing at the moment, and I was unsure if I was prepared to take this step. All I know is that I want to kiss her, to feel her soft rosy lips against mine. Vivienne places her hands on my chest, and pulls me towards her. This has to be her way of telling me it was alright to do it. I chuckle quietly, as I place my hand on the back of her head. I lean in with slight hesitation; this wasn't my first time kissing someone yet I am feeling more nervous than I would like to admit. Her lips were just a few centimeters away from mine, and I could her warm staggered breaths hit my skin.

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