Chapter Five

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last hour is always the best. that's when we all see each other. my old friend, bradley, walks up to me, as im walking to second-to-last hour and says:

"you are such a fucking fag"

"excuse me?" i say.

" you always hang out with those... weird kids, but that blonde one, alexia i think, is fucking hot i would tap that shit in a second." he says.

before i realize what i am doing, i push his books out of his hands and throw him to the ground.

"don't you ever fucking talk about my friends like that you dick!" i yell.

he stands up, and everyone starts to look our direction. bradley swings at my jaw and collides with it. i grab his hair and smash his face on a locker. he pulls away and starts to beat my stomach. i swing my fist and collide with his jaw and stomach. soon he is bleeding from a plethora of places and is hunched over coughing blood. i, nevertheless, continue to land punches. then a teacher pulls me off of bradley and to the office. i sit in a chair until i am called to go to the principal's office. he tells me to sit. i do as told.

" alex, son, i assume you know why you're here. so let's get down to it. three weeks of detention. now go!" the principal says.

i leave knowing i won't be around for much longer so i just brush it off. i just meander about the halls until last hour. people start to flow into the hallways, and as i pass them, the sea of people parts. i hear people whispering things like:

"he's the kid who beat the shit out of bradley"

"bradley probably let him do it"

"damn he's hot"

i stop, turn, and raise my hands above my head and. i yell:

"yes! whisper all these things about me, but let me tell you. do not fuck with the Suicide Club because ill personally beat the fuck out of you because im a suicidal dick!"

people start to cheer and i walk out and sit in my car.

"dude, that was so awesome! what you did back there? was great." i hear calum say.

"it really was." i hear alexandria say.

"you're welcome guys," i say. "also if you guys wanna go down to the lake, have a good time? meet me there six o'clock." and with that, i drive off.

Three days

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