I hung up of course. I was in the middle of pre algebra and they would take my phone. However, I did save the number to my phone to call back later. Now i'm sure you're wondering why I would call back to a total stranger. Whatever. This class is so boring. I kept on being on instagram then i got on facebook. My stupid brother, David who was in a grade above me was online. He texted:
---Hey kid, what's up!
---I have told you so many times not to call me kid!
---Well you are a kid.
---Shut up David!
---Ok i'll stop. Wyd?
---On my phone duh?
---Hey did you get a weird call?
---Yeah what was it all about?
--- . . .
--- David you're starting to scare me just tell me
---Meet me in between classes.
---I can't i'm in sixth grade remember?
---In the cafeteria.
---I can't
---Emily please
--- FIne see you there
The part about being with david scared me to death because his seventh grade friends are huge but this sounded important. "Emily please," He had told me. He had never spoken to me like that before. Now all of a sudden not just the thought of sitting with david scared me