A Way In

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Jace let out a long exaggerated sigh as he stood next to the door, his shoulder pressed up against the wall and his eyes inspecting a hangnail on his thumb.

Alec squatted down by the door handle, a tiny metal instrument clasped in his hand that he used to manipulate the locking mechanism to release. He fiddled for a while, biting his lip in concentration.

Jace released another sigh.

Alec whipped his head toward Jace and narrowed his eyes. "By the Angel and The Mortal Instruments, Would you shut up?"

"Would you hurry up?" Jace countered, raising a brow. "Or would you prefer Spitfire and her Gamer-Geek boyfriend to return and find you with your pick stuck in her door knob? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that's the type of impression we want to set at this point."

"I thought you'd already ruined your shot at a good impression with her?"

Jace waved Alec's comment off. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about my impression. I can charm any girl, no matter the compromising and intimate position they may have found me in. Trust me."

"I wasn't aware fifteen minutes had passed since your last attempt to boost your ego. Is it time for another already?" Alec rolled his eyes and went back to picking the lock.

After five minutes, Jace sighed again.

"Your noises don't help me go any faster."

"I have no idea how my mere breathing can act as a deterrent for you, but don't blame me for your lack of speed. We've already talked about this, Alec." Jace went back to studying his fingers.

Alec threw his tools to the ground and stood. "Well, if you're so good, why don't you just do it yourself?"

Jace dropped his hands and grinned. "Finally. I've been waiting for you to give up and turn the job over to the master." He pushed Alec aside. "Watch and learn."

Crouching down in front of the door, Jace picked up the little metal tools and went to work on the lock. First, he slid one into the space and then the other, twisting them until he felt the pick fit into the notch. A grin spread over his lips as he turned his hands and a resounding click echoed through the hallway. He glanced up at Alec, his smirk firmly in place. "You may grovel at my feet now."

Alec rolled his eyes and shoved passed Jace, his gloved hands opening the door, and both boys stepped inside. After pocketing the tools, Jace slipped on his own pair of gloves and looked around the apartment. It was small, but pretty decent considering the neighborhood it was in. He ran his hand along the bar, slipping a small bug underneath the lip of the counter edge. Alec placed one in the folds of a lampshade and another in a heating vent on the ceiling. Jace fingered the books on her shelf, trying to assemble her interests. After watching her for the last few days, he'd gathered she was a studious person, always studying or working on her art. She rarely went out—except for work—and had a roommate. There was also another male, Hispanic, who came and went and who may or may not have been her boyfriend. Jace had yet to see much interaction between the two as they seemed to keep very different schedules.

While Alec finished placing the bugs, Jace wandered into the hall, peeking in through the first door, noticing it stood completely empty. The second held a small full bath, the counter littered with male grooming products. The next room also seemed inherently male with its large gaming and band posters affixed to the walls, a heap of clothing spread over the floor as if a tornado had hit it, and a few pornos stuffed haphazardly under the bed. Jace snorted at the half-assed hiding job. He figured he'd probably find lotion and a box of tissue in the drawer of the nightstand—but he didn't check.

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