Chapter 3

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" What are you doing here?"

"I own the office Espy, I'm the CEO who called you here."

The were so many thing running through my mind. Does that mean that I didn't earn this job? Did he just give it to me to spite me? Although being part of a project as big as this was an aspiration of mine I wasn't willing to compromise my self respect for it.

"Do you think I'm incapable of getting a job by myself? Did you really think that I was so hopeless that you had to give me a job? And even if I am, why do you care?"

He shook his head. " No Espy I didn't give you the job. You were selected by the people under me. I didn't even find out that you were going to work here until two weeks ago."

I didn't know what infuriated me the most,the fact that it meant he didn't think of me or that I was wrong with my accusation. Or that he kept calling me Espy. It brought out feeling that I had never gotten over no matter what I tried.

"Don't call me Espy. Only my friends can. We're not the same people we were eight years ago , we don't know each other."

He took a step towards me. "What did you say?"

"I said that we don't know each other. "

He took another step forward,too close to me for my liking. I moved back.

" Did you forget about how you used to come to me for everything? How I used to help get away from those people?"

"You left me Noah. You not me. You have no , and I mean no frickin right to bring up the past and use it against me."

He walked forward and I moved back desperately trying to keep space between us but ended up with my back touching the wall. He took my hands and held them up against the wall.

He nuzzled  his face in my neck as I struggled against him.

" Still the innocent one who doesn't swear huh?"

"Let me go!"

He held me tighter and came even closer if that was even possible.

" Never." he said in my ear.


He said the word like it had a deeper meaning but I didn't care. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he let go of me in pain.

"Espin! What the hell is wrong with you?"

" You can't just man handle people  like that. Especially people you don't know! You deserved that!"

He smirked. " But Espy what if that kick had done actual damage? Would you be fine with not having kids?"

My head jerked really fast at what he said. Why would he say something like that. Did he know that I had feelings for him? Was he trying to play me?

" I've had enough of your bullshit to last a lifetime. Now I would highly appreciate it if you would tell me who I have to report to and where I have to sit."

" Oh sweety, you have to report to me . there's no way I'm letting you go this time."

"Argh! I'm not your sweety ok? And I wasn't the one who left. That was you. How many times do I have to remind you?" I glared at him.

" Just tell me where to sit and I'll get out of your way."

" The cabin opposite to mine. That's yours. That's where you'll be."

Great now not only do I have have to work under him but also right in front him, that's just dandy. I let out a hmmph , gather my stuff and get out.


Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter. I made a few changes in the last chapter. I've changed her profession. I made her a naval architect recruited to work on designing a cruise ship. So give me some feedback guys. Was the chapter long enough?

- Bree

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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