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"Ah, my dongsaeng's girlfriend! Come here, sit!"

You didn't expect to meet your favorite writer in the whole, would go quite like this. Meeting him is an honor and even after meeting him, you're without a doubt still so inspired by his work, but to be very honest you have never had a talk about post stamps before. And why they are so important but not used anymore, at first you thought it might be a spoiler to what his next book would be in a creative way. Well after hearing him talk for 20 minutes you thought differently, anyhow it was a pleasure to meet writer Zhang.

"Well, tell me a little bit about you now." he puts his coffee down and flashes a dimpled smile.

If you weren't trained to act professional you would have melted on the spot. There is a little bit of coffee on the side of his upper lip and you can't help but you just have to stare at it, it's adorable.

Shaking yourself out of your inner fan girl you list some things up that may be fun to tell, however he shakes his head halfway.

"Not the boring stuff! Tell me a bit about you! I want to know you!"

"Oh, uh. Well, I'm Kyungsoo's girlfriend. We have been dating for a while now and, uh he has been just.. very nice." lies, lies and lies but it was exactly what he told you to tell everyone. So you do.

He laughs this time and makes a comment on how you are cute.

"I'm just curious though."

"About what?"

He childishly ticks his lips with a finger in thought watching the ceiling, but when he turns to you his stare becomes almost cold.

"why are you lying to me?"

"Excuse me-"

"We both know Kyungsoo is, and 'just very nice' isn't how anyone would describe him," he licks his lips.

"It's interesting though, I have never seen him tolerate a woman this long."


Do you ever have those days where you can't help but to repeat the word 'why?!' over and over again? Well this day was one of those days, as if being busy with your boss' schedule wasn't tiring enough you had to be rudely interrupted by the man himself telling you to drop everything and to come over to his house, right now.

Oh, did I mention you had to bring all your clothes and some personal belongings with you? Well there you go.
When you've agreed on this bet with him, you knew he wasn't going to go easier on you now that you became his faux girlfriend but you didn't expect him to skip that much 'relationship time'. After all, you are also a woman and the thought of 'moving in when you have not even had a first date' is a bit unusual.

After arriving at his place he quickly pulled you in without even a proper greeting, kicked all your clothes into his closet, practically threw all of your make up on vanity and quickly put an apron around your middle. Staring at him with confused eyes while he was huffing from the weird activity he just had in approximately 5 minutes.

This would be a perfect moment to pull out the line. 'Whoa there, cowboy. Aren't we moving a little too fast? Let's take this relationship slow.'

"Jongin is visiting." he smiles as if he just didn't just satanically threw your stuff everywhere to make it look like you 'live' here, to be very honest it looks more like your apartment met his home and created a tornado.

"Go make something for dinner."

It takes you a moment to mentally come back from that whirlwind that is Do Kyungsoo, you have indeed made a bet with him but you somewhere feel like backing out just for the sake of. Curse you, Zhang Yixing and your world inspiring books that always have you hooked the minute you begin.

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