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"Stop it."

It had been approximately five days since Louis has had the phantasm of a certain green eyed man. His reveries existed within his hours which caused disturbance to his job and apparently, as Eleanor calls it, his Eleanor time- which he endures at least five times a day, by the way.

He tried to formulate a plan within those days (Operation: Harry Styles) to partner up with him. Though it isn't much of a plan anyways Louis still believes it is brilliant, which causes Niall and El to palm their faces.

"You want to partner up with him? That's your brilliant plan?" Eleanor had asked him at the time in which he just answered yes to.

"Wow, I suddenly cannot hear."

Louis frowned at her, wondering why everyone he's told had contradicted his plan. Okay, maybe it wasn't brilliant but it wasn't going to plunge him down either.

"What are you planning on telling him? Oh, hello there Mr. Harry Styles. I just wanted to ask you, my non-competitive rival, if you wanted to partner up with me to finally have the opportunity to fuck you in the ass and prove to the world how much of a princess you really are."

"When you put it like that..." Louis trailed, his lips pursed, head nodding along with Eleanor's disapproval.

"Stop it." Eleanor had repeated for the seventh time, trying to pry Louis' thoughts distant from Harry for a fast moment, enough to actually snap him out of it.

"Ignore me one more fucking time and I will replace all your shampoo with toothpaste, or the other way around." She let out through gritted teeth. Her mood shifted from irritated to happy once Louis finally had his attention on her. He was still slightly dazed, though, wondering how does one person persuade a Harry Styles.

Eleanor dabbed her fingers one by one softly against her phone as she constructed messages while producing a conversation with Louis.

"Stop daydreaming about my husband. I feel entirely disturbed." She whined, the humour evident in her voice and grin.

Louis snapped his head towards her, feeling his facial muscles slowly and slightly move upwards. Eleanor was such a fanatic for Harry Styles. "I feel bad for Max." He joked.

"He understands me. You don't have to feel bad."

And right after that sentence escaped her mouth, Louis' phone began to bust out tunes. He checked the caller ID, Max, before answering it.

"Hello, Max. We were just-" His sentence was cut short as he listened to Max's eerie message.

"I understand her."

And then the call ended.

Louis goggled at his phone, mind swirling as he tried to figure out how.

"Well," He voiced out, "That was not creepy. At all."

Eleanor rolled her eyes and suppressed a tiny laugh. "I was texting him."



Both of them burst out laughing, wiping fake tears away from they eyes.


"Yes, Liam. I am sure." Louis reassured his assistant, Liam, for the hundredth time. He's been rather opposed with Louis' idea of partnering up with Harry Styles. The idea had him baffled since Harry Styles ran an alcoholic business whilst Louis owned hotels. Not really the partnership he expected.

Liam sighed deeply. "Louis, think about what you are doing. It'll feel like marriage! Which is something I'm positive you aren't too keen on even having thoughts about." He exclaimed.

"Stop exaggerating. I'm sure it's not." He hopes it's not. "Besides, marriage is worse."

Louis wasn't frankly fond of the idea of marriage. Considering his sideline, of course. But, the commitment terrified him. He cannot fathom the thought of having to be stuck with the same person for years, and not just that but the fact that it involved the law bothers him. Liam loved it though, after getting married himself with his high school romance Zayn Malik.

"You're just unbelievably bitter, you tosser." Liam smiles a bit but regains his emotionless face. It's times like these where he has to keep his seriousness. Times when Louis thinks about performing irrational decisions.

"Styles is in partnership with Niall-" Liam started and Louis quickly cut him off.

"I've spoken with Niall, of course. The Styles-Horan term only lasts for two years. Which means, if you haven't got it yet, their term ends in two months."

Liam narrows his eyes at him. "Two years? Is that even possible?"

Louis smirks as he sits down on his leather chair, spinning it to face his humongous windows which portrays the beauty of the city skyline. "Liam, momentarily, tweaks are made. And also, Niall has told me that it was some sort of try-out partnership or whatever he called it." He waved his hands up in the air, trying to dismiss the subject of the Styles-Horan partnership to continue with the real subject at matter.

"Partnerships are crucial," Liam starts. "You have to be in business with people you trust. You barely know this berk!"

Louis snorts. "Yet, you call him a berk."

Liam ignores him and continues to scold him. You see, Liam and Louis don't have the normal boss-secretary relationship. Liam acts more like a guardian to Louis, and even if it annoys him he can never fire Liam. He needs him. Louis needs him.

"This is ludicrous. You can't just give your company away like that!"

"Sharing, not giving." Louis corrected him and earned a glare from Liam.

"He could trick you."

Louis sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes. Exasperated, he explains, "I've got two months to know him, Payno. He's got two months to know me. At least, who he thinks will be me."


Hiiiii it's been so long (more than a year) and I've actually decided not to continue this story, but everyone seemed to love it so I thought, why not? I've been soooo busy like I haven't had any time to read nor write, but thankfully the school year has ended and I now have enough time.

I've had this second chapter drafted for a very very long time because I was so scared all of you wouldn't like the outcome. Time went by and I just started to think, why not just write for the fun of it? So yeah, here I am with a filler chapter. I really hope you like it so far and I hope you'll like how it will go as well.

Thank you so much 💕
All the love, B. x

Ps. I'm not good with business stuff so I'll try to educate myself as the story goes, so forgive all the mistakes and irrational events.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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