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Once upon a time...

The world was beautiful and bountiful with life. The earth was full of vegetation and there was not a day where the earth was barren. No species of animals sought to overtake another. They did what life's simple game. Eat. Sleep. Poop. Breed. Repeat.

Everything seemed to change with the arrival of the human race. We pushed animals out of the habitat in which they dominated. Despite our rudeness and greediness, mother nature stepped aside and allowed us to continue our business. She was patient.

We tested that patience. Days turned into weeks. Week into months. Months into years. And years into decades and centuries. She has stayed quiet for a very long time. Therefore, we humans continued to do what we do best, make things worse.

We polluted the earth. We slaughtered animals and brought annihilation to many species.

We thought we could fix the scarred earth.

We thought we could help.

We thought wrong.

A research lab located in Georgia tampered with a potentially fatal virus. Not only are humans rude and major mess ups, but we're also stupid. The virus mutated and somehow became air borne. Within two short weeks, 70% of the world's population perished.

Most people lost hope. The government gradually disappeared and anarchy rose to power. That's until a group of scientists claimed they may have the cure to the virus.

Fun Fact: In the time of desperation, humans believe anything.

The scientists call themselves the Organization. They were led by a single man, Doctor Watkins. The Organization became the new government. The doctor became the first president of this new era.

The Organization rounded us up like sheep and divided us into 12 different sectors. We were tagged and coded. We were renamed.

The Organization offered to give everyone the 'cure' as long as we complied. They implanted chips into the nape of our necks. They claim it was for our safety in case we ran away. Ran away to where?

As if getting tagged wasn't painful enough, we were also 'coded'. They somehow found a way to place a barcode on your eye. When scanned, it'll upload your personal information. They also tattooed a date above your left eyebrow. The date represents the day in which you die. It's small and the ink is a faint blue.

After all that, the Organization handed us aluminium containers of fingernail sized pills.

We could have lived comfortably like this but no, the Organization continued their research. They created genetically mutated dogs. The dogs are programmed to keep the citizens in check. They will not hesitate to use violence and more people have died from the dogs rather than the virus itself.

We live in fear of what the Organization has become. They now know everything. They know when we were born. They know when our children will be born. They choose our lives for us. And they know when we die.

They know how our brain may work.

But do they know how we truly think?

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