Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes looked at the window. It was pretty dark outside.
I wonder was time is it.
I turned on my right side, checked the clock that stood on my bedside table.
It was midnight already!!.
Midnight already!!! How long have I been sleeping??. I tried to recall.

I remember being at school. I have no memory of getting home. I don't even remember getting to bed. I have no idea how I even made it to home.
No matter how much I strained my mind I couldn't remember a thing. I gave up thinking and decided to go back to bed without any second thoughts.

A few hours later in the morning...........
I could hear repeated banging on my bedroom door.
"Sai!! Wake up already.!!" Ken was banging the door.
"Sai we are going to be late for school!!".Ken kept banging.
"Stop banging my door!!" I screamed at him and sat straight in my bed.
"Get up already if you want me to stop!!". Ken banged a few times more before he left.

I very lazily got up from my bed, checked the time. Although, it was time for school I walked slowly to the bathroom. When I was done with the bathroom I slowly walked to my cupboard and fished for my uniform.
When I couldn't find my uniform I stormed my way to check the laundry basket.
I realised I threw my uniform in laundry basket and didn't even wash it. I was panicking I had to get ready fast or else I was going to be late for school.

I ran my way to the laundry room and found that my dress was already washed and ironed and neatly kept on the ironing table in laundry room. I sighed and quickly got dressed.
I could hear sounds from the garage.
Ken was playing basketball in the garage. He always waited patiently for me while I very lazily readied myself to prepare for school.

I was almost ready. I grabbed my bag and shoved a few books in it and rushed my way out. I closed the door behind me and headed to the garage to Kenneth.

" hey Ken lets go!! Or else were gonna be late" I grabbed the ball away from him. He made a helpless expression and walked away.
" mind waiting here while I get a cab for us" Ken said and left.

Ken and I normally took a cab to school. When we didn't, mom drove us to school. Mom was a slow driver she most of the times would make us late for school. So the both of us usually avoided taking a ride from mom.

It took only few minute for Ken to get a cab, he called me out.
I walked out and we both sat in the cab.
When we were in the cab Ken handed me a box.
" hey!! What is this!!?" I asked Ken waving the box in front of him.
" it's your lunch!!". I took the box a shoved it in my bag.
" you know Ken sometimes I feel like you are my elder sis" I teased him.
Ken rolled his eyes and said " I'm your elder bro!! Treat me with respect!!!"
" hey how about I say ur girl fans that u iron my clothes and even make me breakfast, they are gonna go crazy over you!!!" I teased him even more.
" don't you dare!!! I have an image and I'd protect it at all cost!!" Ken gave me a warning look and we both chuckled.

We reached school. The both of us got off the cab and walked through the gates. I was surprised because no matter how much I delayed earlier we were quite early to school. There weren't much people at the school.
I guess we were too early.

Ken and I parted ways. Ken was headed to the outdoor basketball court and I was headed to my class.

While I was halfway to the class Mahaa stopped me. Apparently she arrived the same time as me.
"Hey!! Sai!! I saw you drop out of the cab. I had to run my way here to catch you!!" Mahaa grabbed my arm and we both walked at a slow pace.
"Morning!!! Guess we both are the only ones early today!!" I greeted Mahaa and we both walked together to class.
"Hey Sai!!! There is something I gotta tell!!!" Mahaa sounded excited.
" what is it!!" I inquired.
"Well, you have to wait for others too!! I wanna tell all of you together!!."
I was getting curios, Mahaa usually said what she had too. She had no patience in keeping a gossip or a secret to herself.

I wondered what it was that Mahaa wanted all of together to hear.
We arrived at our class and sat at our places.
Both of us exchanged our notes and revised the lessons.
A few minutes later the class was getting crowded. One by one our classmates were making appearances. Some of the classmates were discussing homework while a few were discussing the TV drama and its events.

Ruby arrived and placed her bag on her seat. Mahaa ran off to Ruby and dragged Ruby to my desk. Ruby took a chair and sat in front of me.
" Mahaa!! Is it a secret !!! Just spill it out" Ruby guessed.
"Not yet!.,let the rest of the two be her" Mahaa waved off Ruby.
While Ruby showed me her lastest novel which she was currently reading. Mahaa impatiently waited by the door for Ellie and Sadaf.

" hey don't you think Mahaa is acting weird today!!" I told Ruby.
"Normally she is weird when she isn't yapping!!" Ruby added and I laughed.

Finally, 20 minutes later when Ellie and Sadaf arrived, Mahaa dragged them to the where Ruby and I were sitting.
"What's with you so early in the morning!!" Ellie rolled her eyes.
"You guys have to hear this!!" Mahaa said excited.
"Do you have a new secret this time Mahaa!!" Sadaf asked casually.
"Do you want to hear it or not!!??" Mahaa asked with one eyebrow raised.

While they were debating wether it was a gossip or a secret or just Mahaa's exaggeration, I got up and grabbed the cold water bottle which Ken placed in my bag.
I slowly sipped water and listened to them.

Mahaa had enough she stamped her feet and told them to listen to what she had to say.
"Okay!! Go ahead" Ruby said, Sadaf sighed, Ellie's sat down to listen.
" guys!! Yesterday the new transfer student was seen with someone!!!"
Ellie seemed interested, Sadaf opened her mouth in disbelief, Ruby pulled herself closer to listen carefully.
Mahaa continued " he was making out with her in the park!!".
" I don't believe it!!!" Sadaf said.
" he got into school a few days ago!., and already has a girl!!" Ellie exclaimed.
"I wish he noticed be!!" Ruby streaked.
I was still sipping water.
Mahaa continued "That's not all! Both of the were in the kindergarten park!! And later they were seen......."
I knew exactly where this was going. I dropped the bottle accidentally spilling water on Ellie. My throat was stuck!! I wanted to gulp down but instead ended up coughing out water.
"Ewwww!! A little warning wouldn't harm you!!" Ruby stood up wiping water off her dress.
Ellie was soaked" what the fuck!!!"
Sadaf was patting my back because I couldn't stop coughing.
Mahaa just froze and looked at the mess of water that I spilled on our seats.
I knew what Mahaa was going to say so animatedly.
Should I inform them that it was me!!!
and I was clearly not making out with Alex!!.
I should tell my friends that I'm not the new students " girl".
I wonder how they would react after hearing by side of the story.
But first I have to stop this coughing of mine then try to clean up the water that I spilled and then check on Ellie's who stormed off.

A/n thanks for reading

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