Chapter 11

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"Why are you so flustered...." He asked looking at her trembling body.
" flustered!!" She stammered shocked at his remark.

Sayaa's every instinct told her to attack her intruder with all her might. But she couldn't bring herself to hurt anyone, let alone her violator.
Sayaa tried to calm her nerves. She didn't want to act on impulse and make the situation unmanageable.
Sayaa took a minute to calm her chaotic feelings and made up her mind to be civil and handle the situation in the best mannerism possible.

He stood staring at Sayaa and waited to hear her soft voice overflowing with words but instead she was awfully quiet.
He found himself amused at Sayaa's every single reaction. He was enjoying watching her face which was a reflection of Her thoughts and inner turmoil.

Although he seemed sure of himself, knowing what he was doing. His feeling went disarrayed with just a glimpse of her.
He put on a confident face to cover up his reluctant feelings for the girl standing in front of him , and thought it was best to indulge her for a while.

"I told you earlier I didn't mean to startle  you on purpose......I'm sorry once again........You definitely look me..................let me make sure I have no dangerous  intent regarding  you........". He stated with eyes filled with innocence and shoulders shrugged stating his helplessness.

"I want you to answer me......!!! why do you intrude onto me on my most vulnerable of moments.....why!!!???" Sayaa demanded of him with a sharp tone.

"What do you mean by that.........??!!!". He asked goofily scratching his head in confusion.

"I meant the first time we met and the second time, which is now!!!" She said sternly.

He smiled embarrassingly at her and cleared his throat to give her the explanations she demanded.

"The first time!! You looked seriously in need of help. I couldn't have Ignored a disheveled girl lying on dirt........I was being kind for which I didn't receive any gratitude......" He spoke. His eyebrows raised and arms folded and face pouted expecting a 'thanks' from her which never came.

"Thaaank  yooou so much, but I didn't ask for you help....!!!" She spoke with sarcasm filled tone and forced a fake smile at him.

"Quit meddling with me!!". She tried to reach for the door which was blocked.

"Phew!!" He let out a sigh, swayed his head in disbelief and continued  blocking her only exit way.

He stood determined to convey his every emotion to her. He wasnt letting this chance slip away he had so much he had to say. He wanted so much more to hear from her.
This was his only chance of a confession he thought and patiently engaged her into conversation.

"You really are one hell of a girl!!" He remarked with eyes tracing her.

"I'm confused as to take it as a remark or an insult!!!" She scoffed back at him.
"You still didn't answer my question clearly!!" She stood firmly eyeing him.

"About that!! You see you are the only girl in the entire deserted building.....I was on my way out when I accidentally over heard a bunch of guys talking about ganging on a girl.....and how convenient it was for them that she was alone..........I didn't wait to hear their perverted thoughts......And her aide....." His velvety voice sounded dead serious.

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