Can You Feel My Heart? (SnK: Eren x Mikasa ONE-SHOT)

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A/N: I would like to kindly remind you, if you are one of self-proclaimed waifu of Eren (like me), be sure you ship him with Mikasa. Or else, I will going to feed you to a Titan ;)

They both sat under a starry night sky. It was hard for them to believe that in a beautiful place like this, horrible and cruel things also existed. They lived in hell, but it was heavenly. Cruelty, misery, suffering, and pain ruled over them, yet, they lived in a world of beauty.

This world is a cruel place..


And beautiful.....

"Mikasa," he started to speak. "Am I important to you?" he questioned the young lady beside him, as he gazed up the endless starry sky that reflected upon his eyes that shone like the rest. Hearing no response, he slowly turned his head towards the right side where the girl was at. He stared at her, as her fine raven hair danced along the gentle breeze of the night, while she was also gazing up the shining stars.

Upon noticing the young man staring at her with eyes full of curiosity, she looked at him back with a questioning face. "What?" he said as the girl stared at him.

"You should only ask me a question that makes sense, Eren," she said, as she turned away and continued star gazing beside the curious young man. He didn't say anything. He felt a little offended, and also looked back at the stars. But eventually, Mikasa answered him.

"You're my family,"

He looked back at her upon hearing those words. He just stared at the figure of the lady looking at the stars, wondering why he felt her answer was unsatisfying for him.

Is there any more? He continuously looked at her as if she would add something more, but she didn't speak any single word. Those expectations of his made him feel down. It was like her words were the knives that made a thousand stabs against his heart. He didn't even know why he should feel like this.

"What's wrong, Eren?" this time, she made a question. She saw him spacing out. Then, Eren snapped out of his thoughts. "N-nothing," he confirmed.

They both went back to gazing the stars, as the wind continued to blow gently. Silence has heard in this beautiful atmosphere, and these two young people had only one thing thing in ther minds. Only one thing in their eyes. Only one thing in their hearts. Both of them has a thing to say to each other, but couldn't find the right words to say. They continuously thought about that.

They thought of the same thing. They saw the same thing. They felt the same thing.

"I don't think of you as my family, Mikasa," he started to speak as he realized something. The young lady beside him, looked at him in an instant as he said those words. "What do you mean?" she questioned him with full curiosity.

"Look, we aren't blood-related. We're not a family," he answered, as his eyes also went over the girl. Then, he wondered why as he saw  the expression of the girl as her response. She was frowning, but she hid her lips behind the red scarf she was wearing around her neck.

She held the scarf hanging around her neck tighter, as she shook her head avoiding the eyes of the young man next to her. His words.. Was that all? Isn't there something more?

She waited as if the brown-haired guy would add something more to the words he just have said, but he didn't speak any single word. Little did she know, she felt something for this young man in her heart. She thought of him as his family, but there was something more.

Can You Feel My Heart? (SnK: Eren x Mikasa ONE-SHOT)Where stories live. Discover now